What? There's fanservice drawings of a young girl (who's old enough to sell as a sex slave fyi) in a manga? I'm shockedWhat's with the sexy shots of this young girl? Is the author a pervert?
did you even look at the manga cover art? i mean its expected with this kind of manga there are so many manga like that, any way it's not even slightly bad compered to some other manga and no the author is not a pervert it just that japanese culture is like that when it comes to fiction, they just are not afraid to be like thisWhat's with the sexy shots of this young girl? Is the author a pervert?
are you new to reading asian comics?What's with the sexy shots of this young girl? Is the author a pervert?
Hey, do you have any idea how much some teachers prefer to ignore bullying? I dunno abt other countries, but my experience so far in asia is that teachers only take action once it gets physical, even if it’s the bullied fighting back (then you get punished for your courageous action of standing up against the bully because you punched first, and punching immediately makes you the biggest offender regardless of context)I'm trying to not insert modern western sensibilities here but the content and nature of this conversation seems like it would be problematic in most cultural contexts. Sure, demihumans are bottom of the totem pole and humans don't care if they are murdered, kidnapped/enslaved or raped, but is that really the sort of presentation a school wants taking place out in the open. Even if they don't care at all about the animal girl surely they have enough standards to expect bullying to take place just outside the public eye.
Guess I just have to chalk this up to author getting in edgy-boy points and forcing a conflict where the bully can get publicly humiliated.
If that kind of picture enough to make you think like that. The author definitely more sane than you.What's with the sexy shots of this young girl? Is the author a pervert?
Aaaand... there it stops. There is no "but".I'm trying to not insert modern western sensibilities here but .....
b. "Dat cat ass" faction