Chapter 35, it was pretty brief. The shrine is where they went to carry out the ritual for the Festival of the Spirits, where on the way there the mine collapsed a bit and exposed the vampire girl to light, where they found out she was fine with sunlight now.I feel like I missed a chapter somewhere. I’ve forgotten this shrine and any fairies.
Chapter 35 has both in case you did skip a chapter. He saw the shrine for a little bit and the fairy literally appears for like a panel.I feel like I missed a chapter somewhere. I’ve forgotten this shrine and any fairies.
she'd certainly be of great help for hard to reach places inside the body and for locating super small debrisLooks a bit funny to give harpies actual hands, but also talon feet.
Wonder if the fairy's gonna get put in charge of ultra-precise surgeries at all, since she'd have finer motor control than Amami.
Chapter 35, it was pretty brief. The shrine is where they went to carry out the ritual for the Festival of the Spirits, where on the way there the mine collapsed a bit and exposed the vampire girl to light, where they found out she was fine with sunlight now.