I've enjoyed this story so far, but I take issue with the psychiatric hospital in this chapter. That is purely a fictional device, and is not at all what psych wards are like. It's an outdated, uninformed stereotype that gives a bad impression to people that might actually need help. If anyone out there is struggling with their mental health or with suicidal thoughts and are worried that they might end up at a place like that, know this -- that is a purely fictional description of a mental health facility. They are not prisons for locking up people with mental health issues and throwing away the key. They are places with teams of doctors, therapists and nurses that work to support and treat the mental health of the people there, not to isolate them and make things worse. You will not be treated that way if you go to one, and if that is what you need to do to get better, then by all means go for it. There's no shame in getting help when you need it.