at least he seems to be slowly improving, the smith girl is no longer a stick with 2 balloons attached but all of the characters still lack life and look like the wooden doll model used for posesThis story is not bad, sadly the artist is.
i just read this like a week ago and was sad when i couldnt find it anywhere else. and BAM they released this like mad ladsit been too long i forget wtf this manga about xD
was going to say the same thing. I can't tell if it's the writing or the translation (or both).This manga feels like every cheacter is an AI speaking to each other.
Surely it is a holy grail, able to bestow immortality and eternal youth and continuously attract king arthursA CUP?
Aight, I'll take my business somewhere else.
Good day everyone and sayonara.
I was actually kind of shocked that the guy tried to have a "Results" based mindset meanwhile ignoring the fact that those results only come about because of someone's effort. Like, how does that make sense? The whole point of the "Results" based mindset the character is spouting is to allow anyone who can get the job done to get it done, but somehow the character is trying to make it the opposite and say that if you need to TRY then you're somehow not good enough? It sounds like this is kind of stuff a bad guy is supposed to say but would never say because it makes no sense.Both the writing and art feel so sloppy. The old guild leader is a good example.
"Results are what matter!"
Ok, Laurent produced lots of successful results
"No! He has no talent!"
gtfo with that bs