Sounds bad if he does have 3 wives but sounds realistic. Sad for the wives but happy that Pauiliana was number one and they have kid. Are you still reading the spoiler? I would like to know more, so spill the tea.😄
Also thank you everyone for the spoils in the comments!!! It really helps me hanging on. AHHHHH I can’t wait until we reach those parts- SO MUCH EXCITEMENT!!!!!
@XL I was also wondering along that line, is it as deterrence / she's too busy / she's too lazy lol.
That being said I'm not sure how often medieval people bathed.
@Nixnaw not as often as we do, but more often than we think. Heating enough water to clean yourself was a pain if you didn't have servants doing it for you, so people usually took proper baths (either in tubs or in rivers) when the weather was warmer, while in winter they usually scrubbed themselves using wet rags (bathing in a tub full of cold water is just as unpleasant as it sounds and there was the risk of getting sick afterward)
I love this series. While the jokes aren't the freshest out there, they're spot on. The characters are luvable. The pacing is great. It's wonderful. Winter never disappoints.
Lol @Nixnaw I not sure but I think high ranking officials and nobles bathe daily while the low ranking ones and soldiers just wipe their body clean with a cloth and clean water. Yes they don't get to use soap. But they're at war and the chances of them bathing is even lower so I could be wrong.
@Nixnaw In Tudor England at least, the rich didn't bathe often, but they wore full-coverage linen undergarments that they changed for clean ones daily, and they rubbed their bodies with cleaning cloths every day. If you were poor you wouldn't be as clean because you wouldn't have as much access to multiple sets of clean undergarments.
look at the namu wiki it’s all there. also i guess the other spoilers is that pauliana is the only woman with a noble title, and she and the emperor do end up together and have a son. the wife who died died giving birth to a princess, and the princess became the heir to the throne while the prince became a warrior since he wasn’t interested in the throne. not gonna lie, this makes me wanna drop this even more, but luxor is really adorable and i love pauliana! i just can’t bear to stick around when she rejects his feelings and he gets married to three other women. i don’t know, it just stings a little. but i hope you enjoy the spoilers!
It better not be or else I'll not read the rest of this webtoon,,, like damn.. chinese historical novel level angst over there...
They BETTER take another route with this webtoon adaption.
Does he marry Pauliana initially or the three wives (why did he marry these women?) first?