The Knight and Her Emperor - Ch. 31

Double-page supporter
May 29, 2018
If everyone think the king is not morally grounded or merciless. It is true. He is still young and in a hurry to take over the continent. A lot of high ranking nobles are against him and distrust him. Which will be explained more detailedly later.

So he is a cruel and a clean cut ruler. Is it wrong? For our time, yes. For their time, no.
May 27, 2019
@unime I read from someone that the source qas detailed about fight scenes, the comic isnt, illustrator's decision maybe..?
May 27, 2019
@heml8ck 😆😂 I thought id never read a comment like this
his hair does look weird but I got used to it lmao

@blazing_boz thank you thats so informative! ive thought that this story is quite realistic, would be very interesting how it will continue from here
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
Really? That's too bad if its the case.... That means we lose out on a lot of what the story has to offer

Thanks for letting me know :)
Active member
Nov 30, 2019
that's actually quite sympathetic the ladder decision would most likely have been a public execution which if looking at this stories world setting would've been worse than death
Feb 12, 2020
Not a fan of the killing of innocents. Especially not if she's helpless like this. No matter how benevolent our female knight is.
Apr 16, 2020
Killing of the innocents is wrong no matter how merciful it may appear to be. While it is more merciful than a public execution, and at least it was quick and clean, it is still just wrong.
Active member
Oct 28, 2019
The king has always been a morally grey character. By the end of all of this, he could really turn out to be a benevolent emperor or a tyrant. Granted, during a time of war, even when it’s all fun and games, if they didn’t kill the opposition, then the opposition would’ve killed them. I do wonder if they would’ve been spared if the king didn’t try to kill them in the end.
Apr 5, 2020

Lmao tell that to all the people the French beheaded during the French Revolution. Many were innocent and were killed by their own country's people. Life is not black or white and even the US has bombed Syrian civilians, killing children in the process. Get off your high horses.
Apr 16, 2020
Well, actually, I do know. My mother, sister, and I came to this country when I was 9 as political refugees. One of my friends was a "desaparecido." I never saw him or his family again, only the seal the government placed over the door of their house. I probably know reality better than you. To paraphrase another famous phrase, I don't need no stinking Game of Thrones.
Apr 16, 2020
@Popiflowers Yah, many of my friends say it was, but I just had to use the line, "I don't need no stinking ..." It was too good to pass up. I know I was surprised when I heard of the ending as I had seen various YouTube clips posted by various people. I had become an indirect daenerys fan.
May 9, 2020
Nobody was going to rape the princess. Probably nobody would defy the king when he was right there without a tent to go stay in or smthn.
He gave the princess a chance to kill herself but she could've done it wrong or been too afraid to even hold the dagger, that's why Pauliana did it for her.
If that princess were to mess up with the knife handling, there would've been more suffering on her end, Pauliana just told her how to do it correctly so she'd get the fastest death.
His majesty would have probably killed her either way so in that sense it was the merciful thing for Pauliana to do.
Jan 18, 2018
Definitely grates the wrong way, but the series has been up-front from the beginning about what the setting is. Still, seemed unnecessary even then.
Nov 30, 2020
Not wanting to kill the princess is understandable, but in a war situation could've been a fatal mistake.

However, no royal or person in power over a country is "innocent" even the princess. Sure, she may have been a side character through the whole thing, not involved directly in making the decisions, but this is a scenario where bloodline means something IMPORTANT. Just for being born who you are born, you have certain privileges and responsibilities and worth. Your place on earth is predestined based on who your parents are. Your body itself is worth something differently than another person.

A few situations come to mind. People with means and power can rally around the princess in name only and cause an insurrection. Or the princess could bear a child and raise that child to be a merciless tyrant or claim rights to the throne or declare independence. No one knows what may happen in the future, however, the 100% surefire way of making sure that doesn't happen is for her to die today.

It is a timeless and age-old method of the conquerers to root out any means of a future headache. It is objectively a 100% safer way to handle any future potential lives lost from a war.

If this sort of view didn't come to mind, then you are purely reacting to this one situation and not thinking ahead. Fortunately, these commanders and tacticians and emperors are trained to think that far ahead.

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