I don’t think I can keep reading this…. Imperialism and subjecting other nations is like truly racist and hateful act. Its led to several historical atrocious crimes against humanity. Its cool to show a female warrior, and depending your homeland or doing what you need to survive is one thing but this is just on a new level
At least in stories ive read with war/imperialist themes like Kingdom, Arslan Senki even Yona of the dawn the characters are forced to see that what they are doing is really justified or at least they think it’s a lesser of two evils. It just feels lazy to use such a serious situation as a gimic….at least be honest that he is a bad person. It feels like propaganda and gas lighting to do otherwise. Also the woman is probably being forced into prostitution or given away as gift [cuz lol woman aren't people I guess] Im hoping they plot won't be super lazy and made a literal human woman whose been made a 'gift" , which is the point of nations & nobles trading their daughters and wife for property into clique jealous woman story line.