The Magic Tower Librarian

Double-page supporter
Aug 15, 2019
i just realized that the raws are already completed. Now it's just time for us to wait patiently for our translators
Active member
Jun 30, 2020
Good so far.
Looks like they use the Re:Zero Return by Death mechanics in it
I am still hoping for a good romance in the story as well since it sucks when the MC doesn't get a good payoff for all of their hard efforts.
Feb 24, 2019
aight seems pretty intriguing so far. mangaupdates says raws completed at 90 chapters so a lot to go.
Jan 23, 2020
i just wish that the white space between panels was not so large..(scroll line, scroll scroll scroll line) gets boring fast
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
I really wish they'd done something character driven instead of silly timey-whimey plot contrivances, makes it feel really cheap. I liked it up until the reveal, but lost interest completely when it became clear what kind of plot they're going for. I don't care about the characters just because the story tells me to, so I really don't care about the continuation....

Could have been good! Decided to be mediocre.
Active member
Jun 30, 2020
Why does it say ongoing? The raw site clearly shows the series is completed.
Aug 7, 2019
@Dazdigo Pub Status stands for publication status. The author has finished the story so it is completed, the translators have not translated through chapter 90.

@konpyuutasan i agree with you. Being a book lover I opened it because of the reference to Librarian and it being a fantasy. I really wish they had just gone with it being a regular story. I've read up to 11, the first ones here and then elsewhere. Not really much of a spoiler if you have read up to chapter 5.
At this point the story just repeats, basically lather, rinse, repeat. He has made it slightly past the first days but from the events you can see he is going to repeat again in the next chapter or so. Currently it feels like the author talked to an editor and said "it's really only a 8 or 9 chapter story but I can pad to 90 so how about publishing it".
At this point I'm not sure if I'll continue, probably not. If it changes from the
lather, rinse, repeat
can some one @ me.
Aug 7, 2019
@dhmo thank you for the @ . I've read through 11 previously. My main issue wasn't the speed or general quality it was what I mentioned in the spoilers in my previous post, very generic spoiler
the rinse, lather, repeat
. I actually like the authors writing and pacing and if they have done more I would like to see a translation of that.

After your @ I was curious and gave three chapters after 11 a quick read. I'll still wait awhile and maybe if the next arc isn't like my spoilers in my first post I'll pick it up.

From the three chapters I looked at, some very generic spoilers:
Looks like they will buff him up. Training basically.
A day in the life with him and the princess. Well written, believable and the characters are likable.
The next danger. I may be wrong, but it looks like maybe the start of another lather, rinse, repeat arc (my main problem). Starts like an arc from the anime about picking up girls in a dungeon.
Again I think the author seems to write well from the perspective of interactions and personalities. I hope they do more or have more translated if there are other works of theirs out there.

Again thank you for the @ if in the future you think it is has changed from my spoiler I would appreciate another @.

Also forgot in my earlier post I want to add a thank you to the TL team. The work was well done and very readable. @l3iliana , hmm, can you @ groups @Moonless Lunatics oops guess not and I just randomly pinged some one.

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