A shame she couldn't bring out her best for the gala but getting an offer alone shows just how highly her performance was rated, which can only mean good things for how she performed overall. It could be a matter of what the dance itself could add depending on the other showings but out of all contestants, she still got chosen. A scholarship is but no means a pip dream here, it's practically a certainty (as even her weaker performance at the gala will be judged by those that matter to her as a result of the exhausting process to get that far, and exhaustion is something that can be handled or dealt with depending on schedules. Skill is what must matter most).
@EnduranceProtocol Oh, you're the translator for all of this? Thanks for having done all of this for so long. I found this story randomly by chance and I still can't believe how much it hooked me.
@Markgraf I know right. This is a series about ballet. First hearing about it, does it sound as fascinating as other sport stories? I didn't think so, yet like now I find myself waiting these few months for that next week of fantastic chapters before the cycle continues once again.
@Swifft I was thinking the same after having seen a few of the last chapters. It seems as she's experienced more of the ballet world and learned more about what is going on, she's begun to consider things more like where she might enjoy more, what can give her more, and not single-mindedly focus towards the goal Abby set her so many chapters ago.