The Maid and the Vampire

Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2020
Well has the entire series it’s finished and I’ll just say it’s great can’t wait for what the author does next I’d recommend reading it for some warm feelings of your sad
@teddyhunter there’s an official English translation which you need to pay for but of course there’s free uploads some where
Feb 10, 2020
Not all that great, in my opinion. The FL just pops into another world with no care about the world she left and settles right in after a while. Sure there's the tension of the harsh realities of this new world, but that's about it. The story had no real tension, no real point to it, tbh. It kind of felt meaningless and purposeless after reading it.

Basically, the vampire guy is cruel at first, but ends up liking her because she doesn't hate him or recoil at his sight for being a "monster." After that, he basically becomes obsessive about her. Besides that being shallow, I'm not really sure what reason she has to like him, either. There's no real impetus for it. There's also no background events going on to give the story purpose or propel it forward. All in all, the story felt like shallow, fan-servicy reading.
Active member
Nov 12, 2019
So I'll admit. This isn't a perfect manhua. The story is plain, the characters cliched, the romance is rushed, and the setting is interesting but nothing truly unique. But there is one thing about this that makes it worth reading.
The male character is forced to take accountability for his actions.
have read a lot of webcomics, manga, manhua, and manhwa in my years and I can count on only both hands the number of times that has happened. For this, this manhua has surpassed even some of the best worlds and best stories out there because it is one of the only ones where this happens.

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