All the manga we need staff for already have mangadex pages.
if you mean how
Kimi wa Sukinosaurus had chapters on MD at one point that are now removed, it is because they were generated automatically with MTL by a guy who doesn't even speak english, so needless to say it was an awful scan and removed by mangadex.
As if it wasnt hard enough to find competent JP > EN TL for it already by advertising on websites they dont even need to use in order to read manga lol. I've been trying to get that series scanned since before the MTLer came along, but since a lot of people will see it on some agg somewhere and just assume it's been done before without giving it a closer look, it's harder to find a competent TL.
We've had interest in the series, just because i've started putting our ads in the chapters now, but the interest so far has been from ppl who wouldn't do a good job translating the series, either for lack of EN knowledge, JP knowledge, or both, so it'll probably be a while longer before I get a TL for it. Will wait for as long as it takes.