The Max Level Hero Has Returned! - Vol. 1 Ch. 30

Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2019
Yeesh, for a dad who's not trying to be a dick to his son, he's pretty much being a dick.
I'm sure the author will give him some redemption arc later on with the "I was watching over you the whole time"
but I really hate the "tough love" father figure trope.
Allows his wife to be a megalomaniac and his supposedly favorite son to be banished just to keep up appearances
I don't think there's a good fix for that kind of decision-making. But yeah the story would be pretty much over if he did the correct choice.
Sep 6, 2020
@Mivas No one would believe it. As far as I remember there is no physical evidence whatsoever so mere excuses can get rid of the suspicions. Plus I doubt the father would just believe his words cuz, first of all, he's a king so he can't do any reckless judgement, and I don't think he'll prioritize his son over power at this rate :/

He also has 2 siblings close to him (I forgot the names) and they might also get in danger if he does that, taking into account how the queen actually tried to assassinate the three.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
Lol. The king is getting rid of him to protect the queen, and she's too stupid and egotistical to even realize it. Twit.

You're forgetting a route that would let the 'truth' out, yet still cause quite a lot of annoyance to both the queen and the prince who shot him in the back. Rumor spreading. It's far more powerful than most think.
And even if all it did was make people start to look at the prince and queen as possible villians, it would hinder their more overt actions quite a bit. And he isn't at all afraid of their covert actions with their information brokers and assasins gone.
Aggregator gang
May 11, 2019
@ Lord-Raine and that’s exactly why I think it’s retarded he doesn’t take his revenge. She killed his mother and then tried to have him killed over and over, expose her? Fuck that, that’s stupid just kill her and her son. King can’t get over it? Too fucking bad they did the same, if he wants to speak up this time then kill him too he already doesn’t give a fuck about him. With all of them out of the way, either he becomes king or one of his siblings does, he has enough power to not fear anyone
Sep 30, 2020
A cursed land, you say?
One can solve the curse there and then have some revenge preparations and no one will notice. People would just think that the curse got stronger. Then get revenge in a way that the targets experience a living hell and would wish they were dead, but they can't die.
That's what I'll do. Bwahahahaha.
Sep 6, 2020
@Riger Are you sure the king will stay silent tho as the rumors spread? Cuz I doubt he'll. Kings have more power than queens do, and I doubt he has no way to oppress the rumors. Yes, rumors are powerful, but so are eyewitnesses. There are many cases (even on youtube) where the internet just changes side in a blink of an eye just because of what eyewitnesses say and several pieces of evidence. Even if there are others who say differently or other evidence.

The king doesn't show many expressions, it makes you even doubt if his impulse affects his actions sometimes. Imagine if a man of the kind suddenly provides fake evidence (if he truly sides with the current queen), will society even believe such rumors?

People will believe that the queen and the prince are villains, but that's only if the rumors successfully spread. Society doesn't know the truth, so they'll eventually decide to believe who they think are more trustable. A king who has reigned for years, a figure who stands above the country, a person who's the symbol of their people, or, a prince who just woke up after many years, king's son whom the people hasn't known much, a kid who just had a holy mark a few days ago?

The people only view the royalties based on the image they see, not who they actually are, because they will never show what they're truly thinking. If the rumors spread it'll be messy, and it's not like the king doesn't need the current queen (cuz otherwise why did he choose her instead of the other two siblings' mom?). The king will see Davey as someone dangerous. An enemy, and although Davey is powerful, he doesn't have connections, and it'll be dangerous in the future. Let's say the queen then decides to tell the king bunches of lies, will he even doubt them then?

But hey, let's look from another perspective. Davey having his own land, making it prosper, building his image and popularity as well as connections. Heck, it'll be a different story
Jun 24, 2019
I thought the King was just another weak King who got played by the evil Queen. Turns out he's as shitty as her. Rather than idealistically trying to "cure" the Kingdom from the base, just be rational and level it down then make a new one.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
You obviously have no clue how viral rumors can be. And the harder the king or queen tried to squash them, the more people would belive "where there's smoke, there's fire". It would be nearly impossible to disprove a negative. And the nobles wouldn't be as loyally blind as you seem to think, as well. You can quite easily tell by the dark shadows of said nobles obviously pointing them out as future problems.
And even if the nobles DIDN'T believe it, many of them would still latch onto the rumor to try to further their own agendas and/or power. Greed in a nutshell.

And in the future, once he proves he's capable, those rumors would flare up even brighter. Especially if the one who shot him in the back proves to be less capable. Which, let's face it, there's no way in hell he can be nearly as capable as the mc. It just doesn't happen unless it's for a specific story point.
Sep 6, 2020
@Riger And you obviously didn't read my side of argument. Well, let's just cling into our own opinion, shall we? Because after reading every single thing you write, I don't see anymore point in continuing this. It just makes me wonder if you actually try to listen from my side or try to make me think the way you do. I told you. Yes, rumors ARE powerful but it's not like everyone's going to hang onto just one mere rumor. There's such a thing called a fight for the throne, sweetheart, unless you only read and watch series where kings have only one empress and one child because he seeks birth control. What do you think is the reason he becomes the king? Loyalty? Don't make me laugh. "Oh, this guy can be manipulated" "Oh, this guy is good" Greed exists, but hey, will you still dare to go against someone you know you can't beat? It's true that greed exists, but they also have a brain. Probably 1-2 people will go for it, but others? Baby, they corrupted nobles aren't corrupted nobles for no reason. There are thousands of people trying to get 'em down, but are they? No. No matter how you loathe them, they have a way to slip out of danger. There are many manga, manhwa, and manhua out there who give just punishments to bad guys, but don't get it wrong, because the truth is not as kind as you thought.

You know Ashoka? Bindusara? Yep. That's it. If you don't, then you might need to consider searching it up. Why do you think Ashoka doesn't just tell everyone "THAT WOMAN IS EVIL"? "SUSIMA TRIED TO KILL MEEEE"?

Just like how you'll reject someone who suddenly opens a van door and offers you candy even though you've ever seen that person in the TV (Unless our ways of thinking differ. Couldn't blame you then. Just be careful at nights)
Yes, greed. But there are nobles that will stay neutral, and it's not like they will abandon every. single. thing. that happened in their territories just because of a mere rumor. Logical and realistic are two different things, too! So, before saying something is realistic and something doesn't, let's see AN example from OUR REALITY SHALL WE?

United Airlines. There are so many fucking cases. Fucking evidence. And all the rumors. Are they down tho? No, right? Even tho they can charge em lawsuits? Alright. Let's stop there. This isn't going anywhere. I know neither of us is going to change our minds.
Sep 6, 2020
Oh by the way, I forgot to include this but, how do you think rumors are started? They don't just go poof, there's a process. And how are these processes usually be? Oh, of course, civilians. But imagine if they're told this fact. Would they mindlessly go and tell their friends about it? Well, if so, then call them dumb, cuz they can be charged with treason. "Trying to stain the name of a royal member", and they'll quickly lose their heads. Remember the queen is in a higher power than a prince who hasn't shown much in front of the public. I can imagine the people who listen to the "primal rumor" will say something such as "Hey, are you for real? Do you want to get killed that badly?"

Fortunately, I listen to other people's sides of the argument, so let's say you're thinking, "but... how about telling people from other nations?", then let me say this to you:
Try spreading a negative rumor of your headmaster. I'll be waiting.

Even badmouthing a president on social media - saying something like "[This president] sucks!" will get you cancel cultured (Unless you're lucky their supporters don't get you). But imagine exposing a crime, even if it's a joke. I wonder how those rumors you're speaking of will get through

The whole reason why we can talk easily about rumors is because of the internet. But back then, there is no internet, and so well... Only if you're a depressed lot who is suicidal.

Edit: Just like how easily you ignore what I'd been saying, the rumors can be a ticking bomb. To the doers. Also please try to read from the start till the end, I doubt you have no time considering you replied to me within an hour after I replied to you. Unless you're a bot who will keep on repeating the same thing, I don't really wish to argue with you no more
Jan 23, 2020
I feel bad about the fact that there is like a verbal war going own between @32oiru and @Riger , right down there in these comments. Tbh I'm really excited for some kingdom-building/territory management and I can't wait to see how he'll deal with the "cursed" land. Thank you for translating.
Active member
Feb 16, 2020
Sisskeksksakwkask. Now it’s gonna get complicated!! Screw the politics in this, king, queen, noble, kingdom, they’re all corrupt and now mc is probably gonna create his base on the cursed land. Only thinking I’ll allow is when enemies are fighting in war, at least that’s easier to understand and easier to come to terms with if someone dies or loses. Politics always have some people left alive that will affect the story later or the policies will escalate and introduces different countries and then it becomes a story about conflicts between nations, continents, and then worlds.
Even the fighting down there in the comments I’ll accept.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 16, 2018
A cursed land must be a nice playground for this much too long lived boy. At least better than being bored to death by politics.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Having a cursed land = having a FREE magic power infested land -> making turbines run under FREE (currently) resourceful amount of power -> environmentally friendly industry -> moon tourism lets go
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
I'm the only one who think "Go live in a curse land I give you as a reward my son" isn't good ?
I mean, the prince who returned with a god blessing is exile away publicy by his family.
Oct 24, 2020
Depending, cursed land can be blessing to the right person, and since he has the Demon Lord by his side it might not be to bad. A Curse can be a Blessing while a Blessing can also be a Curse.
Dec 17, 2020
Hi I do a MMV on this manhua with the scan of the team Asura, this is my second MMV so I don't know very well about the copyright, I citate you in the description and at the end of the video, if there are any problems please tell me and I will adjust how I can,
for the MMV:
I don’t know where you read the comment so i copy the comment.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2020
So short minded. The king is giving you an out to be free from the political cut throats surrounding the thrown.

And while the lands he's sending you to are cursed, need I remind you that he's doing it under the pretense that you having the blessings of a god that has only occurred three times in history.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
His little brother calls him properly hyung but his younger sister is stuck with brother? Is she calling him Oppa, Oraboni or what? Properly let her call him like that wtf...

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