The Max Level Hero Has Returned! - Vol. 1 Ch. 34

Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2020
This is an ancient spell... it uses the long-forgotten language of the demonic tribe... COBOL


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
>right to rule legitimised through possession of overwhelming power of overwhelming power
>not a dictator
Pick and and only one, you silly manhwaka
Just because you're a good dictator(as most are/were, given that they wouldn't be dictator for very long otherwise) that doesn't mean that you aren't indeed a dictator


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
>poor crops
>lead to loss of agri jobs
That's not how anything works, you dyscalculiate, less crops, higher prices... that is until the prices get so high that your peers rip you limb from limb
Sep 30, 2020
I guess he's going on a "dungeon raid" now for quick cash. There are 7(?) "dungeons"...
Jul 9, 2019
@reu, it's only through the abuse of said overwhelming power that one becomes a dictator.

The stage before dictator, is monarch which he is in this case or rather you could say ruling aristocract because he is not the apex of ruling but rather self governing middle management.

You can have overwhelming power but still be shackled to a duty, a dictator is a person unrestrained by duty who abuses his power. Or at least that's how I was taught and see it.

Edit: some grammar
Oct 9, 2019
After seeing programming
99 little bugs in the code
99 little bugs in the code
Take one down, patch it around
281 little bugs in the code


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
@Nutz Monarchy is a term that defines from were the head of state gets it's political legitimacy
Dictartorship is a term that defines the powers of the head of state, who decides the course of the state
Two entirelly different sections of politics and neither say anything about the behaviour of the head of state or a particular country's policies. For the best example look at rome, and the fate of the one very silly dictator who saw fit to abuse his power.
And inb4 "that's ancient history" just look at 20cent's dictators.
From Chile's Pinochet, Portugal and Spain's Salazar and Franco to Libya's Gadafi and the Saudi Ibn Saud, all politicians who, very much restrained by duty, through the political mechanisms of the Dictarial state took their respective countries and raised them from the middle ages into the modern world.
Some did so with little if any personal gain, such as Salazar and Franco, who lived as heads of state as they had lived as private persons, while others while others, such as Pinochet and Castro, apparently used their possitions for great personal gain and others still, Gadafi and Ibn Saud, used their dictatorial powers to establish a monarchic state. Though all very differrent most of them still greatly greatly benefited their countries and their people through their rule as heads of state.

Tldr: So as you can see, dictorships are just another arrangement of governance, what it's leaders do depends on the particular individual and it's particular state/society.
Feb 21, 2019
Lucky for you MC the curse is not written in JavaScript with gigabyte of dependencies
Group Leader
Apr 22, 2020
Jul 9, 2019
@reu Just want to point out that both a Monarchy and Dictatorship are both a form of governance. While there are different forms of monarchies, it is categorically under the same umbrella.

So I would like to ask what you mean by
Two entirelly different sections of politics
As far as I'm aware the MC is not a dictator because he does not have overwhelming power outside of his own which cannot make him a dictator because his political as well as economical power within both his territory and the country is close to nothing. Nor does he only keep financing only to himself or a few others. Or centralize power consciously. He thus far is only trying to benefit a failing fief/domain in a kingdom based on a monarchy in which he has an aristocratical duty to his king.

I understand what you were saying in your newest reply but I fail to see how it substantiates your claims regarding the manhwa.


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
@Nutz what I meant is that a the term dictatorship is used to discribe a particular way of destribution of power - the allotment of authority and responsability.
While the term Monarcy is used to describe a particular way the government legitimizes it's rule.

A monarchy may be dictatorial/absulote/autocratic and a dictatorship may be monarchic/hereditary these are terms used to describe different parts of the functioning of government.

In a dictatorship the government may be legitimized through various ways:
It may be a Emergency/Constitucional dictatorship(see USA and the Roman republic) were the dictator is legitimazed through legal means when it is decided a emergency demands that such autocratic power is wielded; It may be Democratic(see China), were the dictator is elected through popular vote; it may be a Hereditary/Monarchic dictatorship(see roman empire/north korea), where the ruler is legitimized through blood and precedent; it may be Revolutionary , were the ruler is legitimized by personaly rising as a leader of a movenment for change(see too many to write); etc; etc

While in a monarchy legetimacy comes from divine right, precedent, tradition, right of conquest etc., etc. and there various ways to distribute the power(decision making process) of the state:
Dictatorial/absolute were the ruler bears all the authority(see Tsarist Russia); it may be Constitucional/legalist, were the ruler must act according to precedent or legal documents and has enshrined duties to his subjects, a ruler authority is diminished by tradition or by a legal document; it may be Democratic/Parliamentary monarchy (see the United Kingdom); it may be a Aristocratic were a council of nobles has the decision-making power(see Sparta), etc. etc.

Now, in this mawha, the MC's right to rule is legitimized through 3 means:
Hereditary - he's the son of a king;
Bureaucratic - he's been assigned by the state(his father) as the administrative personel in charge of his land;
Dictatorial - through possession of overwhelming power his will is undiniable, no one would dare speak against him because he personaly has the strengeth to enforce his will, thus any decission he makes is by defenition autocatric/dictatorial. It's like a city ruled by a dragon in DnD. No mater if he is lawful good or chaotic evil his power is such that anything he decrees is law
Jul 9, 2019
@reu thank you for taking the time to engage with me. I disagree, the MC so far has not abused his power in a way that could be considered dictatorial at all nor has he threatened to use it. What you're doing is predetermining his action simply based on the fact that he has power.

I don't think we'll reach an agreement on an academic viewpoint of governance or the MC of this manhwa.

Have a great day/night further. 😄


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
@Nutz well sorry for all the typos, it was fun writing that
Just a final tldr a dictator is someone who has absolute power, not someone who abuses power

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