@codydub03 Or manga with that protagonists that always goes "killing is bad m'kay" and just lets the most mustache twirlingly evil antagonists live and unsurprisingly to no one they just continue doing evil shit. Of course there's also the trope of all the bad guys after losing to the protagonist have reformed their ways and now they're friends with the protagonist and on the side of good! Just ignore all the irredeemable things that man may have done in the past, he's atoning for it now, seriously, yeah I know he used to eat babies and infected the entire southern continent with an incurable virus that killed off most of the population for the lulz but now he's helping the protag now so it s'all good.
That's something that has always irritated me about comic book heroes, notably, Superman. Superman is such a mental midget that the moment he ends up making the conscious decision to kill someone (someone who deserves it mind you), he goes, "fuck it" I'm an evil dictator now in basically every timeline superman becomes evil. But if you really think about it, we have these super villains with ridiculous powers, that keep breaking out of prison (consistently) and they just keep killing people. Why are we locking these people up, they're never going to reform, and clearly the authority does not have the power to keep them locked up, at this point, execution would actually be the most just thing to do, but nooooo, that's wrong says the super hero vigilante.