The Monster Rec-chan - Oneshot

Jan 18, 2018
hmm maybe it's about exposing the hypocrisy of her supposed new friends.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
This was a great read.

@CaptainMorgan This is just my personal interpretation.

Recchan is the representation of "the discriminated". Can be racism, can be homophobia, whatever. Recchan is discriminated.

The mangaka sets up a unique situation where he would argue that the cold hard truth that telling the discriminated "you are different and you can't change that" is much better than "you're no different than the rest of us and we love you but not really we just don't want to discriminate against you."

Basically, truth is better than a lie even if the prior hurts more. Because in the end, if society remains the same and the discrimination doesn't change, the truth really is better. It will damage one's mind less when they're an adult if they are used to discrimination.

But this does set a very interesting counterargument. if discrimination is a universal rule, the truth is better. But if discrimination is perished, the truth is nothing more than an insult - something that the world will consider as rude and committed by the rockbottom of humanity. How do we perish discrimination? By little lies everywhere.

Great read.
Double-page supporter
Oct 5, 2019
Great art even if the execution wasn't really that clean.
Jan 20, 2018
@ dandan_the_dandan
I sorta get it in the end but can't put it into words until I read your comment. It's great concept to ponder on, whether one is racist or just blunt honest.

Recchan's "friends" has mob mentality in that they wanna be seen as nice, uninsulting and unjudging people. In other way they're still discriminating Recchan by not really seeing her as she is and did the "ok because you are nice and useful I'll be nice enough to allow you to hang with me but don't get too carried away" sort of thing. The ponytail girl is also shunned by her peers in the end due to her honesty... I guess I can relate with her being disturbed when her classmates being overly nice in short span. These kind of people can turn away from you just as fast as they come to you.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 14, 2019
I agree with the others below - I think the ponytail girl calls out her classmates in that they were only choosing what they wanted to see out of Recchan - cute, sweet, adorable. They completely overlooked and ignored her monster attributes rather than openly acknowledge them on equal ground. And poor Recchan was swept up in it - dying her hair, wearing the bow, trying to fit into the mold her classmates set out for her (cute monster girl) which, is actually VERY true to modern racism lol "oh we're not discriminatory, of <I>course</i> we like you...only if you're like this." When Recchan's full form comes out, the truth of who she is can't be covered up anymore and everyone disperses form her.

Ponytail girl might've looked like an ass but she was upfront and honest, actually SEEING Recchan for who she is and openly admitting their differences.
Mar 6, 2019
what i got from this manga is a negative impact when our "friends" telling "lies" about ourself, and then when we feel comfortable with that kinda situation, which is actually bad for us and the others around us, what its called, another side effect of hypocrisy for innocent people?


Aug 16, 2020
I'm gonna ramble a bit.

What I got from this is basically we have a mistaken idea of "discrimination". Yes, she's a monster, but admitting that fact doesn't necessarily mean you're discriminating her. You're just accepting who she is. In this case, trying to change her into someone who fits the "standard" is no use, mainly because her trait is going to stay anyway, it's part of her. We're all different, what's wrong about that?

Of course, ignoring her is not good, but it's better than using her as a toy and a tool to say "oh, we are such nice people". Let's admit it, acting different around her (anyone who we perceive as different) at first is unavoidable. However, that doesn't mean people can't change their behaviour over time and get used to her and eventually accept her as she is.

Nevertheless, what bugs me the most is the fact that she never said a word except for the "thank you" in the last panel. That really says a lot about the situation...

By the way, I agree with that guy, discrimination is never going to disappear but maybe not because of the reason he mentioned
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
This has nothing to do with discrimination. It has to do with everything with "Would you rather live in a sweet illusion of a lie OR would you live in a reality with the cold hard truth".

The girl at the end gave Rec-chan her true opinion of her and Rec-chan thanks for her for it.

Put it another way. If you were a boss who was not very good with your job, would you want your subordinates to be kissing your ass the entire time, or do you want them to engage with you honestly?

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