but since the Esperados lost their tittle Eli is the same right? why would the queen need her still any other lady of higher status would work right? Someone please explain to me I am a bit slow on this
@BlazingMagpie I have no foreknowledge so this is just a theory but what if she could fight with swords using the darkness? I think that might be a bit cooler than her wielding them by hand. Like she still learned Salvatore swordfighting but uses either blades of dark magic she creates or wields swords with tendrils of darkness she creates.
AAAAAH TIME SKIP BAYBEEEE I'M SO EXCITED!! Wish we got a bit of a more fulfilling payoff, but I can't complain, still a great story
Thanks so much for your work <3
i wish this manhwa was darker :/ at the start, i was expecting leslie to be a bit vindictive & have a sorta evil side. also sucks that the author said nope to killing off villains.
It would be great if this series did not have such annoying antagonists who did not have such a crazy good luck that they escape no matter what amount of horribleness happens to them only to return to do pathetic attempts at killing Leslie and keeping failing every time.