Well, that clinches it. Noel is someone who will not hesitate to kill himself if it got in the way of his dream and conviction.
Which means, he is someone willing to kill anyone, innocent or guilty, involved or not, just to achieve his dream.
We already saw this with his enslaved teammates. He sold them not because he was mad. He sold them to recuperate losses. He didn't care about the chief and his daughter, as they were not only enemies, but also mostly inconsequential.
The Yakuza boss ladyman is right. Noel is the type that can embrace the most heinous power just to win. He probably won't hesitate to acquire the Abyss power that killed his Grandpa if it made his dream come true.
If push come to shove, and he breaks along the way, Noel would gladly genocide an entire country for his dream.
I look forward to see what will happen to him