The Mysterious Kamiura-san - Oneshot

Apr 1, 2020
And you sound really, really stupid. Like a literal example of a low iq, context blind, victimhood obsessed, group identity oriented collectivist npc regurgitating someone else's lines ad nauseam, too dumb to realize that its 'beliefs' originated externally. True philosophical zombie if you will.

There's nothing to tell you except reiterating the wish for you to end up on the receiving end of a situation parallel to the one presented here. Halt and catch fire then trying to spout your bullshit for all I care.
Aug 9, 2020
@nonameanonymous82435 hey dude, you sound REALLY pressed, are you okay? Why are you so mad? And again, despite your misuse of technical vocabulary, you're really not saying anything at all. Is this situation maybe a little personal to you? Did someone cheat on you or something like..,

I'd also completely understand why my partner felt like they had to hide themselves if I ended up in a sham marriage, though I would feel sad, of course. If you're grieving or something dude I get that, maybe just take a step back and seek therapy. It is not controversial, nor is it even debatable, that society and the mistreatment of LGBT people hold the majority of the blame for the sacrifices (including loveless relationships) that LGBT people make in order to survive. I don't understand why this offends you to be honest.
Apr 1, 2020
Shit, you're even more of a bot than I'd thought:
wHo HuRt YoU
And no, I'm not "misusing" words. They describe perfectly your type of person, a hypocrite that is.

So for the third and last time: I really, really, really wish for you to end up on the receiving end of such situation - both as a child and romantic partner. Then you'll finally be able to claim your victimhood badge, flaunt genuine virtue to the world and feel trully great about yourself for seeing the bigger picture.

Words alone mean nothing and such a pious person deserve to have their convictions tested.
Group Leader
Mar 10, 2020

Yeah, it sucks if your partner turns out to be gay, and not being faithful to you. Is it wrong on some level, no matter what, to cheat? yes.

But are fellow lgbtq people forced into sham marriages, and cannot publicly be themselves due to social and legal pressure? Also yes.
Is it understandable they might cheat, even if it is wrong? Also yes.
Apr 1, 2020
Why did you even ping me? By now it should've been perfectly clear what I think about immature, solipsistic and egocentric answers like yours. Nothing excuses wasting other people time, because time is all you have as a person. Even more so when you're a passive agent who's too lazy to think and stand up for yourself.

I've really got nothing new to add except wishing to have this happen to you. Have your virtue tested by circumstances, until then you're just a hypocrite or in best case, an ingenue.

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