The New Gate - Vol. 10 Ch. 65

Oct 24, 2020
@Necroix In my opinion it more of if you want to or not. There aren't any big differences between the two so you don't have to. I'd go back and read the first 5 Volumes since it's worth the re-read but it's not necessary
Mar 5, 2019
daaamn, that's the issue with being a blacksmith that doesn't add a bind attribute to weapons
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2019
"a weapon created by me"

I'm getting Kankuro Vs Sasori vibes here lol, whoever that guy is is gonna get fuuuked
Oct 10, 2019
@Goldenzeal That weapon is
Filma's weapon. Been a long time since i read the LN but I'm positive that that weapon was given to the priest (by some cultist? or demon?) not found in guildhouse. Filma is sealed or kinda frozen. The place she's at is where the human sacrifice ritual thing is happening probably where they got the weapon. That part stuck with me cause i get excited when mc finds his former NPCs. And yeah that guys is not MCs friend
Mar 25, 2019
@Goldenzeal that's plain wrong, they are not called chosen ones by anyone, ever.
Schnee Raizar and all other support characters were never called chosen ones, not on the manga, not on the novel, the same goes for all players that are public know to be players.
They call themselves chosen ones sometimes to blend in, Shin and his friends are good examples, but no one from the older generation is ever referred as a chosen one.
No one would ever call the owner of the Moon Shrine a chosen one, shin conceals his true identity, that's the basic of the basics on this manga, jesus.
edit: Also there are no new npcs since the dusk of majesty, no character is reefer as a npc, besides the original npcs
Also, its not a "minor" difference, a chosen one is a person with one skill maybe 4 if its a critical, the weakest of the players have many many many skills, its a HUGE difference, like, almost the difference of a person and a God
Oct 10, 2019
@IlQwerty I didn't search the contents but base on illustration this part in ln is probably volume 6. There is Wilhem and Elein in the cover.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019
When any and all fatal wound can be healed with some potion that can be instantly sent from a mailbox, all tension is broken and next time they pull same shit, reader will goes "Ah, she's probably fine in the next chapter"

At this point, I'm not going to be surprised if they can resurrect the dead because the MC "remembers" he have a stack of phoenix down in his inventory, and everyone will pull the "But that item only exist in legend" bs
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
This arc takes forever and has to be one of the least interesting in the LNs. I hope they don't draw it out more than they have to. ( it will)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@musicfreak12 what were you expecting bro, MC is basically a god. Even those players who weren't lv max and re birthed in the game, like the elf, the cat and the other dude, are still so strong that they can beat the "chosen ones" handily. Of course there is gonna be next to no tension, they can do whatever they want, and nothing can stand in their way.

I think this manga is more about MC exploring the world, and settling his feelings from the days it was still a game, the friends who died there, the npc elf whos constantly trying to get into his pants, and so on, not a typical adventure of a weak guy getting stronger to fight the big bad.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

Putting everything in the spoiler tag because of reasons...
that's plain wrong, they are not called chosen ones by anyone, ever.
They call themselves chosen ones sometimes to blend in
you just contradicted yourself and proved my point for me, thanks.

but no one from the older generation is ever referred to as a chosen one.
Sure they are, for the same reason as above...
Also just FYI its a FACT that people don´t even know what a chosen one is. ( this is even stated in the manga too... chapter 12 page 6 if you want to look it up )

No one would ever call the owner of the Moon Shrine a chosen one, shin conceals his true identity, that's the basic of the basics on this manga, jesus.
Yeah nobody would call the owner of the moon shrine a chosen one because they know he came from before the dusk and that he is basically a demigod.
But you know...This has nothing to do with the argument, as you already yourself said... other people who DONT know he is the owner calls him a chosen one if they even know what that is.

Also there are no new npcs since the dusk of majesty, no character is reefer as a npc, besides the original npcs
except this is also false as there are some old players who reincarnated into this world and some of the support characters still refer to the common people as NPC´s from time to time.
( Mostly when talking with other players and support characters though, but it did happen in the novel and I could if I really wanted to prove my point go and dig up the exact page for it )

its not a "minor" difference, a chosen one is a person with one skill maybe 4 if it's a critical, the weakest of the players have many many many skills, its a HUGE difference, like, almost the difference of a person and a God

The exact number of skills one has would depend on what type of game the death game was, as not every RPG out there has a ton of skills.
While some like WoW where a character has like 30+ there are also RPG games out there that only has 10 or less.

A lot of scared players that never even left the towns after It turned into a death game who never got to any particularly high level, not to mention that there was a lot of children too.
You are however correct that most people don't have skills, and they use arts instead to compensate for that.
However, saying chosen once only have 4 is lowballing it a lot as most chosen once we have seen so far have had at least 6 or more if you look at the character sheets.
Shin is not the only one who can help people learn new skills... the church and its "Purify" skill is a prime example of this so while chosen once might only start with 4 skills they can learn new once.
And considering how treasured every single chosen one it, it wouldn't be a big stretch to imagine factions /nations going out of their way to train them.

Now with that said, when I said: "minor difference " I meant the overall power and not just skills because yes old players almost definitely have more of them.
But Chocen once can still have a lot higher stats than all the players who never left the safe zones.

Let's take an example.
If you look at the character sheets from the novel, Marino who was around level 150 ( 255 is the max level possible so she is in the mid range ) had stats in the range of 160 to 300.
We have seen plenty of chosen once who have stats in 400 and 500 range that by stats alone would crush the weaker players like Marino.
People like Wilhem who is a critical is not the only once either.
Gaien Greig was level 187 ( the Samurai dragnil who did the escort mission with Shin and Tiera in chapter 23-25 ) and he had two stats in the 400 and 500 even if most other stats were in the 200 and 300 range.

Gaien Greig would kick somebody like Marino across the moon even without skills because of superior stats and more combat experience.
And before you go calling Marino weak, do consider that she had Shin to help her level and get good gear.
She was by no means your average weak player even if she did not enjoy fighting.
Even if Marino had 20 times Gaien´s skills it wouldn't help her actually win a fight with him as he is just far too strong for her.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
Thanks for the chapter 😆👍🏼❤️

@Raydnt fucking called it
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 21, 2020
Oof having a weapon you made that was probably stolen from your friend to hurt another friend. That is a lot of emotions a situation like that would evoke.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2020
@musicfreak12 Phoenix down is common, what Shin has is phoenix pinion/elixir level of item. In term of weapons he has Whale Whisker/Ultima Weapon level of item.

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