The New Gate - Vol. 11 Ch. 67

Group Leader
Apr 26, 2018
Does Shin ever take back Shrine, or anything else that belonged to him/his guild?
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 9, 2018
i hope they kill that pig....and i really really hope that wet blanket Tier something didn't do something useless like "nooooo don't kill them"
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
@KazuyaKan: I've only read to v11 of the novels so far, so somethings may have changed but;
The people of this world can't even access most of their guild bases, due to location (some fly), security (magic barriers etc) and defenses (Traps, monsters etc). The Church can't even use the Shrine properly, they only have access to the non-essential areas and functions.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 25, 2018
Man, those kidnappers signed their death certificates.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
Does Shin ever take back Shrine, or anything else that belonged to him/his guild?
@KazuyaKan Well, Shin's base, Tsuki no Honora (Moon Shrine) was a strategic landmark for the country, and Shin did not give two fvcks and took it (and Schnee) with him despite knowing that.

EDIT: And before someone once again cries spoiler and gets this moderated, this already happened, dozens of chapters ago.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
@Kojirremer i don't know for the lightnovel but for the webnovel this far
no except for the shrine since there is something corrupting it as for the others the location is barely known and he planned to visit one of them which somehow was filled with dangerous poison around it that lock the people inside of it
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

does shin's ex ever show up or still alive?
Yes, she does.
In fact, she isn't as far away as you might think :3

That said... ( big spoilers )
She is a ghost without a body because unlike everyone else who died in the game and has a comatose body, she died in the real world from cancer or something.
She is super important for the plot ( and have already done a few big things already that you only find out she did until MUCH later )

But she basically shows up for like a few chapters to give somebody a power boost and tell Shin to stop being a pussy and date Schnee.
She herself has accepted the fact that she is dead and just wants Shin to be happy as even if Shin found a way out of the game she would be dead there too.

Even BIGGER spoilers...

Shin's ex soul/ghost is in Tiera's body.
She is currently possessing Tiera, but Tiera doesn't know that yet as she loses control of her body every time the ghost takes over.
Tiera is only alive because the ghost possessed Tiera ( who is a spirit medium btw ) and lead her to Schnee to keep her alive after she was cursed.

Tiera is basically her reincarnation ( a chosen one or whatever they called people who got powers from the reincarnation system )
But because her ghost is still "somewhat" alive Tiera hasn't been granted all of Shin´s Girlfriends powers that she should have yet ( she does get more of them later )
Does Shin ever take back Shrine, or anything else that belonged to him/his guild?


Made some edits to make this wall of text look better...

Something important to point out is that Rokuten ( Shin´s guild ) has more buildings than just the "6 main bases".
"The Moon Shrine" isn't actually a "main guild base" it is Shin´s character's personal house ( So not everyone might consider that a guild building).

As far as I know, he has so far only visited
Four" main bases" and two minor guild-related buildings
other than "The Moon Shrine".
He kinda does reclaim all of them to a varying degree, because but most guild bases (unlike the flying island Rashugum ) aren't "portable" and thus he can´t take them with him.

"The Moon Shrine" is unique in the fact that it's a "player house" and can be carried like an item...
We haven´t seen any other building being able to be transformed and carried as an item, but they supposedly exist according to Shin.

Some of them are also already occupied by support characters like the flying dragon island Rashugum, so some of them don't have to be "reclaimed" in a forceful way.
Most support characters of Rokuten ( Like Bidgee in this chapter, who belongs to Cashmere )
Are over the moon that one of the 6 devas is even alive, and they are more than happy to give any and all support they can to Shin.
Even if they arent Shin´s personal support characters like his traveling party.

( all of this should have already been mentioned in the manga so I don´t think this needs a spoiler tag )

Here are all the guild buildings Shin has visited so far in the novel:
"The Moon Shrine"
Shin´s character's house.
I don´t really need to say much more right?



Cook´s (The White Cook) Characters house.
It's a restaurant that is currently being run by most of his support characters and is famous for being one of the best in the world
Shin and his party visit it when they go looking for Cook´s Main base.


2nd Main Base,
Assault Ship

Cook´s main base is
a giant ship
and not really a building.
It´s currently being used by refugees who Shin allows to take control of the ship once he saves them from what is threatening them.
It should be the next destination if I'm not remembering wrong.


4th main base, Forest Palace Palmirack ( AKA "The Shrine" )
Made for Cain (Blue Magician / The master-builder / Master-architect depending on the translation )
Currently used as the Church's headquarters, at least the "public" part of it...

A Fun fact also contains a nuclear bomb that could level the entire city and possibly half the content around it.
In fact... it's hinted that most of the other "main guild bases do as well because that was just how Cain rolled...
Nobody toches Cain´s stuff and gets away with it, so if anybody successfully ( some has tried and failed) broke into one of the "locked rooms" it's possible they could blow the thing up.

I'm going to keep this part short because it's going to be explained in a few chapters anyway.


6th Main Base, The Flying Dragon Island -Sky Castle Rashugum ( guild base of the Tamer Cashmere / The Silver Summoner)
Sky Castle Rashugum is not her only "Monster ranch", Cashmere has, there is another called "Moon Ground as well "

It technically already belongs to him, as it is under the control of some of the servants of his guild.
it is also where the dragons in this chapter came from.
Shin and his party is going to visit this place later on.


The Golden Company HQ
Belongs to Reed(The Golden Merchant) but it's not his main base building.
People forget that The Golden Company HQ is one of his guild bases, It's not one of the "7 main bases " like Sky Castle Rashugum.
But it's one of the lesser bases like
"The Moon Ground "
or "The Moon Shrine"


5th Main guild base, Daze Garden Romenun.
A laboratory in the middle of a poisonous gas cloud where two of Hecate (The Crimson Alchemist) support character lives and does experimentation on whatever they feel like.

The latest base Shin visits in the novel.
It is being plagued by a huge poisonous mist, and Shin and his party go there to investigate it.
The reason for the mist is a mythological creature that absorbs toxic materials to balance the world's ecosystem.
I think ( it´s not confirmed ) that it died from absorbing too many toxic materials that got thrown about when "The dusk of the majesties " happened.
Similarly to why Yuzuha had problems regulating the flow of magical energies as "The dusk of the majesties " moved continents around and fucked up the world.

It's one of the few friendly monsters and only fights to defend itself., but goes into a mindless frenzy when provoked ( it is also capable of befriending players while it is alive and isn't hostile )
its presence means that any place they visit later on spawns a lot of rare plant-based crafting materials.
It does, however also drop really great loot... so there used to be a civil war between players who want to kill it and the ones who want to save it for the plants every time it showed up.

It also did at one point contain a tree of life that Shibaid ( the dragon guy that just joined the group ) grew himself.
But they haven't actually visited the deeper levels of the base where I am in the novel so I don´t know if it's still there.


Some bases we also know off, but Shin hasn't been visited yet :

1st Main Guild base, Mysterious Studio Demi Eden
Shin´s (The Dark Blacksmith) main workshop and where he has most of his crafting stuff outside of "a few things" that he has in his house.
It also has access to much more advanced crafting and analysis tools than shin´s house.

He "needs" to find it to get access to the more advanced crafting and analysis tools now that he can´t just look at an item and know what it does.
Not to mention that he could supposedly craft even better items if he did... not that he needs to as of yet...but it's a way to make increasingly strong enemies I guess.
Some of the later things he has fought have actually given him a run for his money, at least when he is alone and/or outnumbered.
But he is still basically a living god, so this is a way to make him god-level+extra.

The location and status are currently unknown in the novels.


3rd Main Base, The Moving Base Miraltrea
(Current location and status are unknown.)
Reed´s main building.
Not a lot is known about it outside of its name and its main use was combat-related.
Apr 1, 2019
that saint wearing slave collar? that is literally a prison, not a church.

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