I see Schbeid is the serious, non-battle maniac warrior type. All-business but without the attitude. He didn't even stay that long, his reunion is less emotional than Schnee's or Girard's but I'm sure it meant a lot for both him and Shin.
I'm surprised they decided to add Cuore temporarily to the party, she's technically a princess and people might look for her. I guess she informed people offscreen? Man, those goblins are some extra ugly bastards.
So plants quickly grow in that forest as its abnormal property... but how about that massive crater? There should still be an indentation there even if trees have filled it in. Strange. Glad Tiera has something to do that Shin couldn't do for once here. It's rare that there's something he can't do so well. I have some mixed feelings about her continuing to fall for him (mainly because I ship Schnee), but okay...