The New Gate - Vol. 8 Ch. 48

Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
it's funny and might be just a japanese thing, but a modern Toilet is being used quite frequently in Isekais and always brings some smiles on me. :D
Active member
Apr 19, 2018
lots of text, little going on, most of the scenes appear to take place in a void. Some important information and character building but overall this was a pretty boring chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
That is likely because not many want to draw/see someone shitting into a bucket/hole unless its JBA or an intentional gag. It is also a low technology device. Just need a little bit of understanding of how gravity and water work together, as well as the concept of a plug and a water-tight seal, which is fairly easy to learn. So while it is somewhat out of place, it is not that unimaginable. First concept of a flush toilet was somewhere around 1600 A.D. But even before this, the concept of an outhouse was already known. while not as fancy, Egyptians were flushing shit with buckets of water a few thousand years B.C.

Also it is part of the "Isekai Get Rich Invention Package" along with a water pump, hot springs, bath/bath house, paper, suspensions, Japanese foods/ingredients (especially soy sauce, mayonnaise, curry, and anything involving rice), and the occasional advanced methods of blacksmithing (higher quality ingots and such).
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
I still dont quiet get the thing about "high humans". I mean, at first i thought they were how people from this world refered to the players, but seeing that players could also be high beasts, high elfs or high lords, just like the support characters, this whole high human thingy is weird, because if they got higher stats like higher resistances and all that, then that would have been unbalanced in a game to those that didnt choose that race.
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
@Tearsax i think that "high human" are just a race that is really popular because some of the top player are using it, like in some game mmorpg, when the top player using one race and making a new meta about that, and it became really famous. but pretty sure, the job and stat growth is "balanced" in term for developers, but in reality there is no balance in this kind of MMORPG games. that's why unbalanced is an everyday life in mmorpg that aren't patched oftenly.
and about that high and non-high probably just some stat growth difference, i don't read the wn/ln but maybe in my experience in mmorpg games, it's probably just difference in magic based or physical based growth, or maybe combat base or artistant base.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
@undercurses: Since till now only players or supp characters have been "high" races i will take that its something exclusive for them, with higher stats than normal races.
If at some point there are non-related people to the game that are also from a "high" race then... I will think about it at that time xD
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
I assume the author is talking about the primitive bidets without the electromechanical actuators that some of us are used to in the modern examples.
Still waiting for an isekai where the MC introduces the wonders of semiconductors to the world 😄
Active member
Jun 20, 2018
@Tearsax @undercurses

Spoilers ahead

From what I recall from the light novel, the High Human race only belonged to the six devas (the six most powerful people in the game, Shin being one of them). They are different than other races with the "high" name such as high elves and high beastmen. I believe it's because regular humans had such a short lifespan compared to regular elves/beastmen and so to become a high human they had to reincarnate (while this was still just a normal game) while regular elves and beastmen can train themselves up with their long lifespan (again, only while they were in the regular game). There hasn't been and explanation as to what exactly humans need to do to reincarnate into high humans as of vol 12 of the light novel.

Remember, there hasn't been any more high races since the Dusk of Majesty (500 years ago when Shin beat the game). So that's why when other player's supporters see Shin, they give so much respect to him. He is the one who basically "saved" the world by beating Origin.

Also Shin is just OP with his limit breaker title on TOP of his already maxed out stats. When he fought and beat Girald, his supporter, he told Girald's grandson and great grand daughter to be proud that Girald's last strike actually hit him, a high human.

Edit: If Shin was seriously mad and didn't care about consequences, he could probably just go all isekai and destroy whatever he wants and no one would be able to stop him at all. Not even the other players here that we see him meet. This chapter introduces us to the other part of Shin where he was the "Grim Reaper", killing off other PKers
Jun 5, 2018
PKer, so Shin was a PKK? Like that anime, Dot Hack / Slash i think ?
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
@Radlife thanks for the spoiler tho.. will patiently wait till then
i hope this series will not officially translated, i am not really that rich for investing money to the official tl ers .... so yeah .... really hope i can finish read this series.
but are the ln good tho? i just read some of the first chapter, and i compare it to the manga, and find there is no really big difference so i stick to the manga coz i dont have time to read the ln.
Jan 23, 2018
@Tearsax @undercurses @Radlife

If I recall correctly high humans are the max reincarnated racial classifications humans can obtain which was only achieved by Shin and his 5 comrades known as the 6 Devas cause they basically no lifed the game and grinded insane amounts (one of them actually ended up in the hospital because of it). Other races have higher base stats and can reincarnate fewer times(?) but they top out lower compared to high humans. Basically the trade off of having a weaker starting character was long term great bonuses.

The confusion comes into the fact that the former NPCs of this world refer to all player humans as high humans as they had higher stats than base humans due to the reincarnation system in the game. Technically only 6 players ever actually held the racial classification (the bonus was huge reductions to magic damage and status ailments I think it was 50%?).

The people (all races) of this world top out level and stat wise of a non reincarnated character in the game. Chosen ones appear to be reincarnations of npcs which allows them to break that threshold and they they also have skills which was lost as of the dusk of majesty. If you recall Arts have 1/3rd of the power and efficiency of fully fledged skill system from the game era.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2018
It's been such a long time. I don't remember who this merchant is or when he appeared in the story.
Dex-chan lover
May 29, 2019
@Nk9bjP4A i think he was mentioned when Shin decided to go to Gold Company and we can see a glimpse of him a bit
Active member
Jun 20, 2018

I read the LN after I read this manga (probably like 15 chapters ago) and I just wanted to know what came next. You're right, there aren't really big changes so that means this manga is doing great keeping information in. The LN I would recommend to anyone. When you do have time for the LN you can just search up shin translations on google.

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