The Only Love I Know - Ch. 17

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
Bro she is so annoying, Idk if she's the only friend I had, I would have kicked her ass to the curb a long time ago
May 25, 2018
man when I originally read this I just skimmed the raws and only started reading them more seriously towards the end of season 1 so I completely missed Yeonju’s messed up low blow about Yuha. one more reason to hate her tbh. I tried for a long time to give her a chance because I thought she was just a naive character (which can be frustrating to read, but still a fundamentally good person) but honestly she’s got no redeeming qualities from what I’ve seen in the raws. just selfish garbage.

thank you for the update!
May 26, 2018
So I know this girl is eventually gonna realize her mistakes, but will hari stay friends with her when that happens? Because I get people deserve redemption, but it’s also completely acceptable for hari to just not want to be friends with her anymore. Like how can you stay friends when you can recall how horrible they were to you before?

I mean to say I’d be grateful if we never see her again once this arc finishes.

I just took a look at the raws for ch 63, and if I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought that chapter was soon. But apparently the b and the douche are still in the story 40+ chapters later. Fuck this.
May 25, 2018
@saenahonce I’m not sure if you were asking rhetorically but if you want I can message you with some spoilers.

edited comment because originally I had spoilers under a cut but they were major ish and I’ve seen enough people get mad even at hidden spoilers being posted in comments that I’d rather not leave them here.
Jan 29, 2018
Hari has more patience than me. I would've dropped Yeonju as a friend 14 chapters ago after Hari told her about this bastard's calls and tried to excuse it as a mistake.
Active member
Mar 12, 2019
Even though she's also being manipulated and might have some mental health issues, Yeonju does strike me as a very selfish person. It's not that the signs aren't there about her bf, with his behavior and how often it happens, she'd have to be in a coma to not sense something is wrong. However, she chooses not to see it because it doesn't fit the love story narrative that she has. She may not know the whole story but she knows Hari has been troubled and is uncomfortable, but she turns a blind eye for her own happiness. No matter what anyone says, no matter what happens, she'll justify, explain or avoid it because it doesn't suit her. At the end of the day, I don't even think it's about her being madly in love with her bf. In truth, I think it's more of an obsession with having things fit the image she has in her mind of her life/relationships.
Sep 25, 2020
she probably have some menthal issues thanks to that jerk but i just cant take her actions like that boyfriends of hers is the only person in the world

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