The Only Love I Know - Ch. 8

Mar 17, 2020
Thank you so much for translating it and I can't wait for another episodes. I feel like I can relate to this story so much because I happened to be in a similar position with Hari. Oh, and I can't wait to see Yuha's struggles as the story continues hahahahahahahahhahahahaha
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Aug 17, 2019
Tho I do hope Yuha ends up liking Hari (tho I'm not sure if I want Hari to like him 😑) this wasn't for the best... If Hari really cares for her friend, isn't the best to tell her the truth? Not Yuha's since that's something they have to sort themselves if it gets known, but at least tell her that she won't date Yuha because she doesn't want to... Isn't it better a friend that hurts you with the truth than one that sugar-coats and hides it from you?
Apr 13, 2020
omg those kind of relationship are so toxic .. just by reading it, I feel suffocated
thank you for the update !!
Jul 17, 2020
you fell in the trap. dun dun dunnnnnnnn.
Yuha doesn’t seem like too terrible, like he has enough boundaries that he won’t do anything to his stepsister. but he’s too manipulative of others, so he needs some character growth before i root for him to do anything.


Nov 1, 2019
I'm so glad most of the comments here actually make sense and aren't trying to justify what's currently happening, despite the two besties past.
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May 8, 2020
if they still end up being friends by the end of this i am dropping this novel. hari deserves so much better than that manipulative piece of shit and that selfish delusional trash
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May 5, 2020
Why!!!! This is so frustrating!!. I feel bad for Hari, being used by everyone in her surroundings. I just hope this ends well for her (by cutting ties with everyone).
May 17, 2020

As terrible as I think Yeonju is behaving, I get where Hari is coming from. You want to be there to support your best and closest friend even when they’re acting crazy. It’s the difference between a true friend and a fair weather friend. So far, Hari is framed as the type to stick with people she’s close to even through the bad times, that’s a strength and not a weakness. She’s also shown to be selective about who she gets close to. She felt something was off about Yuha, that he was faking a smile and wasn’t truthful with her so she decided to end their dating.

Again, we’re also starting the series off when the friendship is in a bad spot, and we never got to experience the good moments. So it’s easy for us to want Hari to cut off Yeonju. That could be a drawback in writing terms Because we as the audience dislike Yeonju and don’t feel the pity and sadness Hari is probably feeling. But by starting here, we’re at the point in the story where things are most exciting/dramatic.

I understand what you're saying and it's a nuanced comment. What I have a problem with yeonju isn't that she's at her worst currently, it's that she's messing with Hari's well-being. She messed with her emotionally by lying and telling her that Yuha was interested in her. If my good friend introduced me to an attractive family member and said he was into me, I would believe her and, if she were lying, get my heart broken. Luckily, Hari is more of a skeptic than I am. Physically, Yeonju is endangering Hari by giving a known harasser the cover to continue emboldened.

It's all pretty sinister.

My theory is that Yeonju pursued her bf initially because she knew Hari liked him. But maybe I'm going too far. Just really strange that Yeonju would suddenly go after a sunbae she didn't know at all in Hari's major that Hari was somewhat close to and crushing on. Even going as far to announce her interest before they were together?

Just odd how involved Yeonju is in Hari's love life.

A struggling friend is one thing but a friend who protects your harasser and manipulates you by talking about their mental health issues only to get you to act a certain way...

It's the not caring about Hari's safety while bringing up her own for me.
Apr 2, 2020
@Ceereus Absolutely, it’s such a terrible thing to do to a friend and normally behaviour like that is grounds for ending a relationship. And I agree with your points too about selfishly holding on to the bf while ignoring Hari’s safety. And the whole fake dating thing with Yuha.

I just feel Hari acts as though she sees it as a favour for a friend. Even if the situation is unfair, she’s willing to go above and beyond. I think that’s how the author is writing Hari’s character.

Now that I think about it, we’re all rooting for her, our protagonist, to get out of this unfair situation and we are also pretty invested. So mission accomplished author XD.
May 17, 2020
@Zikakuto Ahh, I see what you mean.

Of course rooting for her means I couldn't get past the first panels of chapter 11 because her fantasizing about Yuha is 🤢
Apr 2, 2020
@Ceereus I totally sympathize. I didn’t like Yuha either and was thinking, “Another Webtoon with an unlikeable ML.” But he’s been growing on me chapter by chapter.

Them having their argument in front of Yeonju was funny. After that, I like that he learned his lesson and tried not to fake date Hari until she suggested it. They had terrible chemistry initially that made me gag and his plastic face was annoying. But I like how they’re getting along better by talking openly and heir interactions have been legit funny. I loled when she thought he wanted her to slap his hand rather than hold hands 😂.

Hari’s been less stiff and more natural. Her character has been shown to be so stressed out from school and life that it’s nice to see her being able to display other emotions. I also like how he’s trying to help her out and how they’re both hating on Jinho. The can scene was great.

Of course this is just me lol and I get why many people could still dislike him.
May 17, 2020
@Zikakuto There are too many calculated, and frankly kind of evil, things Yuha has done for me to feel that way. It would've been bad enough if he just innocently loved Yeonju but trying to manipulate Hari's emotions? The creepy smile and touch to threaten Hari to keep her mouth shut when she clocked his feelings for Yeonju? Repeating that threatening smile in class and then trying to ruin Hari's rep to Yeonju with lies about her being loose?

It's typical villain territory stuff. I would say I'm looking forward to how the writer will change my perspective on Yuha but I'm sure it'll all be glossed over like it never happened. But none of that stuff is minor and there's really no excuse.

Usually I'm a little ambivalent even when the ml is despicable but Yuha did far too much.

All three seem like psychopaths to me tbh.

He has been the only one to care about Hari's safety when she was being followed (and possibly more) by Yeonju's bf.
Apr 2, 2020
@Ceereus For sure. I’m not trying to defend his actions and it’s totally a your mileage may vary sort of situation. I was more surprised at myself that Yuha started growing on me considering his earlier behaviour 😅. Just add me to the pile of trash ML supporters 😂.
Apr 2, 2020
@Ceereus Not at all. Like Hari said, he should still apologise genuinely. Still waiting for his moment of contrition.

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