The Perks of Working in the Black Magic Industry - Vol. 3 Ch. 17.5 - My First Real Succubus

Group Leader
Apr 3, 2018
Imagine unironically supporting the enslavement of illegal immigrants by multinationals who coincidentally benefit from an uneducated workforce that is too scared to go to the police because doing so pwns the Nazis 🤡
Active member
May 7, 2018
Meme Translation and Political Ham-fisting.
Weird mixture for a porno manga.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Koolio, stop. It's not the time nor place to do this. You're using your power as a scanlator irresponsibly.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
It's a shame the translations seem to have reverted to meme territory again.

It's an even bigger shame the translations are inconsistent. It's jarring to read and feels more purposely terrible than it actually is. Yes it's a softcore H manga, but having characters change speaking mannerisms per chapter is very offputting.

It's for that reason I don't trust the translations now. Because I can't. Commit to full meme or don't. Retranslate old chapters to be consistently good (/awful).
Active member
Jan 26, 2018
The credit page has become my favourite part of this manga reading experience. The comments are great. The hypocrisy is also amusing. I've seen so many weird anti-semitic and misogynist credit pages all over, but this is what's gotten you all frustrated? If it's that much of a problem, just skip the last page. No one is holding your head down and forcing you to even acknowledge it, Chief. Weirdos.

Racism = OK, because I think it's funny.
Anti-Racism = Political agenda!

Side note: What's the end goal of this political agenda? I'm just curious. You create a political agenda to achieve an outcome, so what is it here? Thanks.
Group Leader
May 25, 2018
Koolio with his high IQ polit-bait once again.

Can't wait for mangadex to finish their rule update so that they can ban you and the other obnoxious people shoving their politics down everyone's throat.

This is a manga site, go to /pol/ if you wanna shitpost about politics, you massive.
Active member
Oct 21, 2018
Damn she got the crazy smile...
thats the good shit right there
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
as much as I'd like to take you seriously with the BLM and MLK comparison, i can't, a group that practices diversity and violence will never be anything like MLK who encouraged unity and nonviolence.
i could post more but I'm pretty sure I've made my point.

that said sorry to hear you received death threats, although i believe you deserve to stub your toe, get mugged by a middle schooler for fear of mean words, and lose your house keys 2-3 times, i don't believe you deserve anything past that. that said i don't think you trying to play victim hierarchy is a good plan, it's dumb it'll get you no where in life, and will only hold you back from making improvements to yourself and the things you do.

also stop them memes in the translations you fool, it's only cringy and ruins any immersion readers can have.
memes belong in credits pages.
Group Leader
Apr 21, 2019
@Rygdae brudda if you don’t care about politics just skip that page. If he gets banned he gets banned honestly Idk why people are hating on Koolio if you don’t like what he posts then skip that page or don’t read it at all.

I was gonna say Freedom of Speech but this is not america
Active member
May 13, 2018
hmmmmmmmm honestly i don't care about your political bs, i don't read it, it'snot the place for that. however you playing the victim card with the imaginary death threat and i can't help but laugh. even if some dude sent you one, you reacting this way makes me wonder if you have ever used internet before...
Jan 24, 2018
@DizzyDazzle They don't really care about proselyting, if they did care they would have done so from the beginning like Rapeman did/does with his credit pages. The politics only truly came out of the group after an argument on discord and an opportunity for public shaming appeared; before that, you only got meme regurgitation inserted into the scans, something Rapeman, to my knowledge, doesn't do, and wasn't part of the releases by previous groups for this series. There's also a lack of actual analysis of the politics of the manga itself by the group, all you get is vague proclamations of political-ness without any depth to it, and whereas they could have made some points about race, land ownership, housing (hey I tied this series' politics into MLK's more than this group has!) and capitalism itself with the swamp chapters, instead there's a call-out over immigration, with no real link to the series itself. The 'politics' of this group is hollow liberalism as opposed to real leftism and the smug posturing over doing shitty, meme-filled work is appalling.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
Enjoying the manga. But what’s going on in the credits now?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2018
i've seen some psychodrama happen in scanlation groups play out in credits pages before but this really breaking some new ground.

I mean, I'm probably on the side of the scanlator? but some fucking context would be helpful and frankly i don't care enough to actually read anything that would give context.

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