The Precious Sister of the Villainous Grand Duke - Ch. 2

Nov 1, 2020
@vodkavodka ur right, i was hoping for her to have a distinct personality but she seems like any other isekai girl. they all have the same personality, which is none. it doesnt rlly make sense to me how she is still normal after watching a woman and her baby die, plot convenience probably. it’d be more interesting if she was more cold hearted because of that incident. she doesnt have the real mindset of a child so she was able to remember most of the incident so why is she still acting so- normal ish.?
Aggregator gang
Jun 23, 2019
The story telling is a bit all over the place but i am intrigued,, thank you for the chapter!!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2020
CAMILLA WAS A GOOD WOMAN. But everyone else? (Aside from ML) shitty. Blaming a baby for XYZ? Pathetic
Active member
Mar 12, 2019
The MC so far doesn’t sound that likable. Given that she said she was shunned by her original family because her siblings were more “talented” makes it sound like she just gave up when she realized she didn’t have the same talent. She doesn’t sound self-driven to improve herself at all and just blames she was untalented.
Also @thegodmother what’s ur pfp from?
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2019
WOOO SERIALIZED!!! i remember i was reading the novel then stopped for some reason? it was probably in wattpad and got deleted sigh. seems like it got picked up again tho so YAY TIME TO READ

thanks for picking this up and translating! off to stare at the raws lol <3
Dec 29, 2020
i love this already the fact that there is a character named anisa is sending me over the moon
Dec 15, 2019
I'm really happy this was serialized!!! I was reading the novel, but I only have one question: Why does Camille have black hair and eyes?.... I mean..... I remember that in the novel Lacel said in the first chapter ‘Why does that child look like her from the beginning?’ (referring to Anisa who resembles Camille)....that's why I always thought that Camille would have pink hair and red eyes, and Dietrich would have black hair and eyes from his father......

Actually Camille didn't want to save Anisan, she was a slave who was bought by Dereck for her beautiful appearance, but unlike his other wives, Camille had no money or power...
So she tried to gain power in the familiar kidnapping the newborn baby from the enemy family, but she failed and was killed

Camille was actually a horrible person, even with his son....
Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
That's cruel, i know the two families are enemies, but killing a pregnant woman and a baby is...
@pinkeree: there are parents that only love their children who can make them feel proud, and the child who is the most normal amongst them usually gets compared to the siblings and then be shunned in the family. Talents are something cannot be forced, such as in music, arts or sports, forcing one is like asking a fish to climb a tree. Moreover, in situations like the MC's previous life, no matter how hard she tried, her parents would just compare her achievements with her siblings' in one way or another.
Dec 6, 2020
see after living thru many near death situations i would think someone wouldn't care if the brother gave them a knife since its for ur survival
Active member
Jun 1, 2019
@pinkeree I'm guessing you have never been compared that way with your family, and good for you for that, but this is something that actually happened in real life. There are families that lauded their talented and then degraded their 'less talented' children by constantly comparing their achievements, blaming the 'less talented' repeatedly. Heck, this did not happen only in a family with multiple children. I actually know someone who is an only child, but keep getting told of "how useless you are" and compared with their cousins. For children in that situation, there really is no winning,

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