Getting molested and Page 26-27, did... the snake just... mindbreak raped her, Like literally ? even with the summon sword as ritual or the like as the mean, it look like straight up that ?
Getting molested and Page 26-27, did... the snake just... mindbreak raped her, Like literally ? even with the summon sword as ritual or the like as the mean, it look like straight up that ?
No, it was "just" the overuse of mana. It's not that dark of a series, too. The "ehe ehehehehe" after the Qeuen found them might suggest that the snake wanted to do some touching though but was interrupted.
Getting molested and Page 26-27, did... the snake just... mindbreak raped her, Like literally ? even with the summon sword as ritual or the like as the mean, it look like straight up that ?
Sara has the sword rooted into her body but doesn't have the mana to summon it. When Snake Lady force-summoned the sword from Sara's body, her mana was depleted very quickly and she could have died.
The sword is useless as long as it's rooted into Sara. This is why Snake Lady wants Natalia to kill Sara, so that Natalia can bond the sword into HER body, which is where it's meant to be. Natalia doesn't want to kill Sara though, but not having the sword is putting her kingdom at risk.