The Rapeman

Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
Everyone be salty be because this manga turns rape into an instrument of justice, while Im here having dank ass nostalgia trip about WRYYYYY Subs.
Active member
Mar 11, 2020
So, I was wondering - was Genkhis Khan the closest thing to Rapeman that we had in real-life? I am sure he was hailed as a hero by his own people. And thanks to him raping a lot about 16 million people in Asia are presumed to be his descendants.
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
I'm sorry I fail to see your point, I merely wished to point out that, no matter what or how you phrase something, it will always be imbued with one's own take on the subject, influenced by everything that has contributed to shape that individual, it relates more to freedom of speech in my mind, as it implies that everyone is entitled to his opinion, than fascism.

What I clumsily tried to point out, is that making something as vile as rape a comic relief, scratch that, making something as appalling as rape the main theme of you work, despite trying to pose it as humorous, only serve to further the misconception that our society holds toward rape, with male offenders being genuinely convinced they did not do anything wrong, for they were only responding to being tempted. And there is also the fad of false charges of rape befalling innocent people.

Choosing to ignore that aspect, in a work which will influence the psyché of its readers, some of whom are not mature enough to take it as humorously as it might be taken, is nothing short of a social catastrophe.
I mean rape is presented as some bloody means to solve issues, or to get closer to your family, and the protagonist is supposed to be a bloody teacher?! Screw this, AND the author, seriously.

And before anyone makes the shortcut, no I am not saying that reading this will create serial rapists, but we have a serious problem in society, and this is certainly not helping.
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
Point taken, however a huge difference reside between the works you have pointed out and this one:

The first, which you already pointed out, these are work of fiction. BUT, and that's primordial, there are taking place in another world, a tried and tested way of dodging polemics.

The second, by far the most important, the very use of these practices generally have a purpose. For example, to make one reflect on these atrocities, or even to create a divide between our own concept of reality, and the fictional world's. Or any other that I would leave to the author's discretion
But these are addressed as a means to an end, here I get the feeling that it only serve to tickle our most base instincts.

Tate no Yuusha, the protagonist would die if he did not rely on her slave, he treats her better than the norm in this world, and I seem to recall that, coming from modern Japan, he does not sit well with slavery at first. And that's usually the trope used in these settings.

The point is, those work, though fictional, are undoubtedly real in our collective mind, and how they are introduced and thereafter greated is of paramount importance.

Berserk is violent, and I have to admit that I love that work. And I had not truly thought about the issues it could raise before you pointed it out. I would say that having the most unnerving events unfold against monsters, or/and a different dimension would serve to soften the impact, however I am not objective enough for my word not to be biased. Guts being raped was shown to have traumatised him, I find that that to be a fitting treatment from the author, and the act is shown as something wrong.
In rapeman, it is all the contrary: rape is good, to be assigned like a therapy from a mother to get closer to her stepdaughter, what's more, when the victim seems to recognise her aggressor (a bloody teacher mind you, that's the most insufferable choice from the author in my opinion) she seems intrigued. INTRIGUED! She ought to be a bit more shaken up, I reckon.

Most of the works you pointed out DO NOT thoughtlessly treat with these issues, and, sure I like a whole lot of them, does that mean I am a hypocrite? Absolutely not. Does that mean you are? No, you demonstrated sound reasoning, and I applaud the depth of your thoughts.

But THIS, clearly crosses lines, mine, among them. It may be fiction, and I may have only read a single chapter, it may become better later on, but I am absolutely opposed to finding out.

I AM from Europe. Rape is a human issue, it destroys people's lives, and, as a human being first, I found the treatment of this issue, in this work, to be dangerously superficial, and an insult to us, as a species first, and as a community.

I did not take it personally, though you pointing fingers did not help out.
However I can relate with quite a few things you said, though I would disagree with most of them, I can tell that you are compelled by true reflection, and not by the urge to be a social media warrior, being a troll, or the anonymity of internet.

I, once again, applaud your wit, and am grateful for the time and the thought you laid out for me.

Godspeed my friend
Active member
Mar 11, 2020
@Fenrire take on the subject does not necessarily equal to promoting some real-life politics.

It is as much of a "social catastrophe" as making murder, violence and theft humorous in fiction. Rape is not in any way special. And attempt to make it so is gynocentrism.
May 1, 2019
@Fenrire I understand your point, and I can see from where you're coming from.
I'm happy that we can agree to disagree on this, reading your post made it clear to me that you are not the authoritarian/only-my-views-are-valid type of person, which is really refreshing, and I respect that.

On that note, I apologize for my assumption.
I guess I am too used to a certain group of people making everything a political issue, even when that works against them, which is why I pointed fingers stupidly.
Regardless, I stand by what I said.

Cheers mate.
Dec 8, 2019
wtf is wrong with the people and the artist. rape is not a joke and never will be. it is not humorous. it is not funny. and these type of mangas and jokes are a slap to the face of rape survivors.
Active member
Mar 11, 2020
@412001 have you ever heard of the term 'black humor'?

Black humor - a form of humor that regards human suffering as absurd rather than pitiable, or that considers human existence as ironic and pointless but somehow comic.

And the good thing is that you don't get to decide what should be funny or not for the rest of humanity - everyone decides for themselves.
Mar 29, 2019
This manga had around 8 stars rating. Then people found out. It's a shame, because it's not that bad, it's funny to be honest, thanks to the translator.
Nov 12, 2018
This manga is a masterpiece. Very amusing and way better than isekai trash being pushed now days. :) Retards reading this is gonna have a heart attack but good thing this is labeled as for mature people only. Surely they'll not lie about being mature right? Right?
Double-page supporter
Jun 24, 2019
I can taste the salt in this thread through my monitor and I love it!
God bless, Rapeman!

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