The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion

Jul 9, 2018
Wtf, they're trying to disregard the fact that only beatrice is making a claim when the knights arent even saying anything 🤦

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Jun 13, 2019
I think they are disregarding the knights claims because they are Raeliana's knights, and they are loyal to her (hence they could lie to protect her). Also Bea-bitch is a noble, so her words have way more weight than any of the knights present.
I'm loving this so far, all the twists and turns are great 🤭

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Apr 10, 2020
does anyone know where i can read the raws besides kakaopage? kakaopage doesnt work for me
Sep 18, 2020
:v dropped, it started good for me but the stupidity diseases are too much. It's a murder and somehow the king was a birdbrain suddenly and MC got tonguetied (innocent yet acted like the murderer caught in the act)
Jan 10, 2020
If someone noticed the position of the wound theyd see that unless rae was behind red haired lady it wouldnt be possible. Also noah babe ily but why would you choose to commit blatant treason instead of smuggling her out of jail when things get bad....
Aug 21, 2018
@winterflower18 how can u say king birdbrain when he obviously try to buying some time for justin to arrive. And mc is sick and cant talk.

All people complain about how stupid char is. Well the thing is knight's testimony is not reliable as they are noah's subordinate. I doubt the sword position can be used as evidence. This is mc words agains beatrice 's situation. and beatrice careful enough to provide some sort of evidence against mc. all of you people complain about how stupid they are because u all outsider and never consider the character's perspective
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
even if i dont agree with the phrasing the king and everyone involved have shown a remarkable sudden lack of intelligence
they should just have asked question on question that would have bought enough time and would have made the ml's little stunt unnecessary
-the mc has a gun why use a makeshift spear?
-the mc obviously just fainted because of weakness which is a chronic condition to which even the pope can testify how could she have stabbed vivian from behind?
-vivian ran into the mc's room instead of away and the mc was under the front of the body yet the wound is in the back why?
-and the motherload if all that blankface has said us true why would vivian meet or search for the mc 1 day before she becomes queen?

just of the top of my head im sure with adrenaline pumping in my head i would find far more
but oh well this novel has been very solid, funny and interesting so i guess a flaw sooner or later was to be expected
infact its surprising how long it took for a
general stupidty for conveniences sake
to occur
Sep 26, 2020
Yeah this latest plot point is kinda bullshit. It requires mass quantities of idiot balls to be in play for any of it to work. Where did all the purportedly-intelligent people who are supposed to be in that room suddenly vanish to? Why is Rae the only person making real points and asking pointed questions? Beatrice's story is rubbish to anyone with a functioning cerebellum, so why is such a farce even being entertained? Beatrice says she heard a scream, no-one else in the area (and it's established there were people in the area) heard a scream. That's immediately her whole story blown the hell out, it's over. Roll credits. Nevermind how it could be possible to stab Vivian in the back from in front of her. What, did she helpfully lay down so as to make stabbing her easier? What even is this plot, please use your brains.

The absolute buffoonery on display here.
Sep 18, 2020
Because it looks dumb enough for me to say it, well sorry if I offended you

I thought the knight was on king's side (because they were described hesitated to immediately capture MC cause it's not 100% fact and ML's aggressive words)

They should wonder tho. It was facing that bxtch, not MC. Although she was raised in status, MC's words also should not to be taken lightly (especially if those nobles don't want to get on wrong side of ML). Imo MC can't think clearly cause she's shocked by the Q (which is "she's my friend tho?") thingy.

To me it's displayed as the bad chara talked too much and the good ones silenced for whatever reasons while they should have some plans (or some founds) as the brunette's plan failed. It means only beat the bush to alert the snake

Buy some time for justice? Is he a princess in damsel? He's the judge, the justice. He should shout like "silence" or whatever cause there's no evidence point to MC, only words from that brunette and MC already spoke she should be questioned too, like she got a piece of evidence, but as justice they need to clarify it too. If she is a commoner sure the king can take her (cause noble words are more important than the commoner). And none expected the ageless guy to appear

You're right. If you're into your role too much, you will only be leaded by the person who positioned themselves as third pov (or play victim card). A clear and calm mind person won't easily cornered by such no evidence pointing words. In short, "baited"

Still as king, he didn't show his skill like what he supposed to be (iirc he's a great king with high IQ and critical thinking)

Excuse my bad english
Sep 18, 2020

She supposed to marry the king that day but got killed by triggered brunette

Their soul exchanged, so the bad one actually brunette. She wanted her friend's fate so bad and made MC occupied her body

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