WAIT WHAT THE FUCK... ASHLEY TOO??? IS ASHLEY TOO?? REINCARNATED??? WHAT!!!! IS IT <i>EVERYONE</i>??? also wtf is wrong with that person still, you don't just try to murder someone YOU FIGURE OUT IF THEY'RE EVIL FIRST AT LEAST cecil is too nice afdlkjsdjkl at least lornah calmed the fuck down i guess but... wtf. EVERYONE WANTS TO EITHER KEEP OR KILL CECIL LMAO POOR GIRL???
thank you for the update!
oh it just occurred to me cecil could have just told him lmao okay then. chapter 13 is out but I CAN'T!!! READ JAPANESE!!! WEEPS
So, everyone is reincarnated, after all! I got this recommendation in
The above anthology had a story of both the MC and FMC reincarnated, and that story had this recommendation saying “where everyone is reincarnated”
Lol 😂 I thought they were exaggerating...but it turns out it was true after all
By the way, I don't think Ashley reincarnated bc the whole yandere thing. IDK if it's true but I feel like he just stalked Cecil/used his extensive information network/eavesdropped around and just kinda realised
Just what is happening, literally all characters are reincarnators who played the game and somehow still (apart from mc) acted just as the plot had said they would?