The Second Coming of Gluttony

Apr 3, 2020
Whew! So, people keep mentioning how much better the novel is than this comic, so I went to check myself. Final verdict? It 100% is. Go read it at Wuxiaworld if you don't hate reading.

Here's the differences off the top of my head, in spoiler brackets for obvious reasons:

1: Thorough explanations involving emotions, of the protagonist or otherwise
2. Miss Foxy is much more interesting after the three month training bit. The way that last day concludes is much different than the comic, and both more satisfying and more realistic.
3. Character descriptions make them more memorable. The seven gods at the trial voting between warrior and mage for our MC are very clearly modelled after the seven sins, you can tell that much just by how their voices are described, but the comic gives us no info about that at all. That's just one example off the top of my head.
4. The guy from the Chinese Triad. WHY did they ruin his and Seol's interactions for the comic?! He was so unexpectedly hilarious, and became one of my favorite side characters. The comic did him dirty, instead needlessly elongating the subplot with the cannon fodder villainess no one cares about.
5. The novel is less shy about gore and sex. Like another person mentioned, Seol's future self's death was NOT as pretty as the comic made it look. Dude was burnt to a crisp and survived...for a while.
6. The way this first 'season' ended, when he met back up with his family and ex. His family was harsh, but reasonably so, and he got to say what he needed to, quelling a bit of their anger (though not all of it, understandably). What was REALLY different was his ex's interaction. She was quelled as soon as he apologized properly, but still wanted him to stay away from her, as she was still too upset. She never accused him of dealing organs or anything, either. He gave her the money and ran so she wouldn't fight him on it, she called his brother to confirm what he said, and she quickly ran after Seol, though he was already long gone. Basically, the novel gives the readers more hope for Seol's future interactions with them.
7. Following that note about the ending, why did this comic have him run to Miss Hannah to cry like a child? He returned home in the novel, fell asleep in his dirty house and got sick, as Miss Hannah finds out when she barges in. This event (combined with point 2) is when Kim Hannah starts being a character we care about.
Nov 2, 2019
@Azuciel this series indeed tame like shounen genre if you want gore, sex, rape,etc read author another series MEMORIEZ more exciting and more dark

@Lawkeh where did you got that info
Apr 9, 2020
@nnisew Yes. I've read both Memorize and Second Coming of Gluttony. In fact, to better understand the world of SGOG, you need to have read Memorize beforehand. There's quite a bit of references to it after all.
Apr 15, 2020
Finished the novel for this last week and enjoyed it, and was excited to see the manwha so far along already! After reading it though I noticed lots of things missing, apparently happening in the wrong order, or things just not happening at all that were in the story... Art is great, but I don't understand the decision to leave out so much especially so early in.
Active member
Jan 8, 2020
Probably the worst Novel adaption I have seen in a while, artist skipping and twisting parts of the novel however he wants. Novel is way more deep and complex than this webtoon.
Apr 22, 2020
@Ichigoeater I'd also like to point out for the Chinese Triad dude. I'm not sure how far you got but he comes back up later for a decently important issue. So them doing him dirty like this is just setting the future of this up for failure.

One of my biggest issues though that you didn't add is how different in general every character feels. I get that in novels you get to be more in depth with the characters but still, in this adaptation it doesn't even feel like the same people. Not to mention how vastly different some of these characters look compared to official art from the novel.

Basically, just disappointed
Jun 10, 2020
TLDR; the manhwa is good. Read it first, then continue to novel, but re-read from 1st chapter;

I've read both the manhwa & the novel (well, im still not finish the novel yet), with first reading the manhwa. And here's my tought:

The manhwa alone is actually good. Sure its not perfect, but still a very good read. At least for me.

Now then, reading the novel, i understand why many people critisize the manhwa. Even just reading the few first chapter, there are already many important details that left out.

But i would still suggest that (if you want to enjoy both) you read the manhwa first then read the novel from the start. Even i sometimes i feels bored because i know the "spoiler", but 20-70% of the novel chapters are contain something new (specially nearing the manhwa's season end) so its still exciting.
Otherwise (if you read the manhwa later) you would feel dissapointed (like many guys here).

And reading the manhwa has its own gain as well.
Its the other character's pov & experience (the novel only cover from mc pov & thinking), few extra scene that are not in the novel (still correlating. Just not written, or just illustrate in another kind of scene),
and also the GIRLS.
I mean, they are cute allright!! No regret seeing them here.
Feb 3, 2020
Season 2 soon™
Mar 25, 2018
the premise of why mmo-like mechanic exist in the world need to be explained in a story. It can't merely exist. I've read so many series where they merely exist with no explaination. There's need to be a lore behind it . This manwha fail at the lore aspect imho. The lore was explain in the web novel. It bothered me, that some business woman show up who claim to work for x corporation and scout MC to another world, and no-one who enter this new world seem surprised that another world exist. Everyone just goes with the flow. Noone is asking WTF is going on

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