The Second Life of the Archmage Dominates with Close-Range Magic

Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2020
So far with 9 chapters, the pace is incredibly fast. There's already been three fights, and a tournament arc going on. I would complain, if the characters were interesting. They're all so bland, and so far the only goal expressed is getting stronger.

With that being the case, the fast pace is actually helpful in keeping this engaging. Don't know how long that is going to last, as the writer needs to either make the characters have a personality or make the choreography of the fights varied.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
Finished 12 chapters. I don't really like this type of MC, the long-ranged magic bastard try to kill him, poison him, trap him and he still risk his life to save that bastard ? MC is too good for me to enjoy.
Dec 5, 2023
I have to say the author failed to convince me the actions of the characters make sense. For example, the battle scene was portrayed that the MC was very concerned about the kids safety during the battle, and could not focus, or was like could not do anything during the battle, being so concerned of the kids safety during the battle just doesn't make sense.

Also, poisoning kids is something everyone with correct morals cannot stand, yet the MC tries to save the villain? Have no idea what the author is trying to achieve at all with the plot. Definitely ditching the story after this point.
Apr 6, 2024
Dude poisons mc and children, but he saves him anyway? And golem dude ambushed mc then gets punched once and that resolves everything he did. What kind of bullshit is the author smoking?
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 26, 2019
Such a shame this of all things is what Fuyuki decides to work on after the whole TBAT debacle. This is so painfully generic and not that great and Fuyuki's art doesn't save it.
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