The site is failing to load some pages

Jan 5, 2020
Good evening. I want to thank you for your site. It's an incredible archive °w° Unfortunatelly I'm incurring in an issue.
Please, if possible you need to verify the "Latest Updates" page of the site (browser from pc, not mobile or app. Usually opened with Mozilla Firefox). Sometimes the site loads only half of the page and I need to refresh the page, again and again and again. One, two, five, ten times, until the side loads the entire page. This happen with first and second page. And when this happen, usually the side DON'T load the entire second page, the third one and following pages. It seems that there are some problems with the loading system of that part of the site. In the current situation is not possible to follow the last hours releases T__T
I'll leave here a couple of screen:

For example, before I writed this post, I was in the second page of the Latest Updates. But when I clicked on the third page button, to go to the third page, this is what I saw:
I tried to reload the page multiple times, without success. No changes in the third pages.
Then I tried to return to the first page. This time the side loaded the first page correctly. But now look at the number in the last part of the page. Buttons for page 1 and page 2, but not the others. So we can't go to the other pages.
And when I went to the second page, as you can see, the site loaded only half of the page. If you do a comparison between the scroll bars at the right, between page 1 (previous screen) and this page 2, you can see that the page 2 bar is longer, because the site loaded only half of it. And I needed to refresh the page multiple times, until hte site loaded the entire page.

And I want to clarify that at 99% is not my connection's problem. I have a very strong and fast internet connection (at least for my nation, Italy xD I know that I can't compare with other european nations, but this is still a 100 Gb/s optical fiber line).

So when we see this issue, we can control only a few of the last releases. This is a problem for me and others that work and can't stay every hour at the pc, looking for the new updates.
Jan 5, 2020
Again today. I went to page 1 and loaded only half page. Refreshed until I can see the page 2 button, then I went to page two and this is what I see:
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
I honestly am having no problem loading and I have an outdated computer more than ten years old, like you use firefox.
At most I can lock my computer but it's a matter of old age.
Out of curiosity, how many cards do you open at the same time?
I with the page of the latest releases I have no problem, but if I open more cards it can happen that I don't load some manga well. °-°
Jan 5, 2020
I've done some tries and it happens both with more cards open and with no other cards, using a totally new window of firefox.
Jan 5, 2020
The problem goes on. There is no end to this. Everyday pages half-loaded and problems to open following pages after the second, in the Latest Updates page. Here, for example: I refreshed over 20 times, without obtaining a complete loaded second page. And as you can see, for the site does not exist a third or fourth page!
And I remember to you that I have a 100 gb connection, with optical fiber. So it's pretty difficult that the problem is only mine.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
I have the same problem....actually, this morning i thought it was a different problem so i asked here
Now i saw your post and your case is actually similar to mine: Latest Updates actually shows ~70 titles only instead of the ~1.3k
I actually tried to refresh a ton of times and it actually goes from 70 to 1300, but changing page results in going back to 70 titles or (in case of page 3 and beyond) a failure in loading the page.....

Even if the problem still remains, i'm actually glad that i'm not the only one.....if you find a solution, pls @ me :)

EDIT if you keep refreshing, after a while it loads page 3...trying page 4 now
Aggregator gang
Nov 26, 2018
I encountered this problem using... guest account. I tried to find out which setting(s) may have the effect on it. Then I found out that my account only have 2 filtered languages, and when I changed to default that is All languages, the same problem occured.

What is your filter languages setting? How many languages did you select? Try to restrict it to a bare minimum and see how it works.

Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
@MavB_Ver by default no filter so all languages....made sure to select everything manually...problem still there

Logged out and back in, no results....changed pc, no results...refreshing and hard refreshing seems to solve the "showing only 70 titles between page 1 and 2" meaning that after hard refreshing i can see on the bottom of the page "1-50 of 1.3k", but going to page 3 and beyond, it still doesn't load the page....only refreshing a lot of times seems to "solve" the problem
Aggregator gang
Nov 26, 2018
@FantasyMaster no, I meant select only 1 or 2 languages. The more languages you choose, the more likely this problem will occur.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
Yeah, i read that wrong...i'm dumb
So....yeah, selecting just a few seems to solve is kinda dumb as a problem, but....hey, i just have to select the languages used in translations and i'm good, so...thx man
Jan 5, 2020
I'll try this way, selecting only a couple of languages, and I'll see if it works. Can you suggest me the languages with more chapters released? I'll select English and Italian (because I'm from Italy. But I read always chapters in english). But I would like to put a couple more languages, so I can keep under control the last chapters.

I want to specify that I have this issue even if I'm logged, so I don't think that the problem is related to "guest account or not".
Aggregator gang
Nov 26, 2018
@Palk94 Maybe Spanish, Russian I don't know... What's the point of selecting a language you can't read? If all you do is viewing images, may as well seach the series you may like using advanced search, then read the raws. Also, being at top of the last updates page doesn't necessarily mean it is up to date assuming all languages work (and it should be, so this is a bug), just new chapters new and old alike being added to the series.

Yeah, being a guest or not isn't related, it's just that guest account has the default filter languages setting, and if you change that to just a few languages, it works too.
Jan 5, 2020
Well, I saw that If a manga receive a new update in one of the most used languages (for example French, Espanol, Russian etc.) then probably it will receive an english translation too. So I would like to keep under control the releases, so I will know which manga will probably be translated. It's just this^^ I know, I'm a bit over xD
Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
Since I'm like you and i also want to check all the possible updates, the languages i selected are (for almost all releases):
Chinese(trad) (not sure tho), English, French, Indonesian, Italian (same reason as yours), Portuguese(br), Russian and Spanish(latam)
Aug 2, 2018
I've been experiencing the same thing too, it usually takes multiple reloads for pages to load properly if I view the manga/manhua/manhwa/webtoon all in long strip format and the images are in HQ.

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