Lol. I like how they sniped this series and now conveniently say they are “practicing” after someone suggested maybe they were just practicing in the comments of the last chapter.
You want to “practice”. Do it on a series no one else is working on.
I’m honestly okay with your translations. I’m really grateful that you’re translating it at all! Thank you for the translations and updates! Thank you for your hard work 💗
Except they sniped the series from a group that was actually translating it well. Plenty of groups that get projects sniped decide to drop them since translating already translated chapters (even if translated badly) can be seen as pointless.
I can feel the difference between the two chapters. This is a lot better and you are doing great.
And i live the mix of comments on here. It appears there are two types of readers.
1: Who get upset when the gentlemens rules are 'broken' when someone snipes.
2: Those who don't care and just enjoy new chapters faster that they can understand.
I mean either way we are as bad as each other, reading free scanlated content
I think these translators missed the point. Unless they plan to translate the full series, they shouldn’t snipe. I don’t want the other translators to stop translating this series because the chapters were already translated and then have these translators also quit because they no longer want to translate or don’t have time to translate.
The fiancé's actions don't really make sense especially if you read the raws ahead. I don't have high hopes for this series(feels like the author is throwing nonsense stuff out of nowhere to make the MC more pitiful) but I do want to see the scumbag to get what he deserves. Her scheming cousin too blech
I'm still pretty upset that this series got sniped. I don't care if its just 'for practice' it's a pretty dick move to snipe a project from a different group.