The Spark in Your Eyes - Ch. 4 - The Nameless Castle (2)

Dec 18, 2019
Invading a peaceful country simply to conquer them and destroy them for no reason but greed can never be seen as something honourable no matter the era, I don’t see how it having a medieval setting can change the way we view and judge the character’s humanity and morality.
Apr 21, 2019
@Sparklepink12K If you're just talking about from your pov then sure, but historically it was considered honorable. Hell even now people in the military are called "heroes" and we call those who fought in WWII "The Greatest Generation".

But I mean in general discussing morality is kind of pointless. Saying you disagree with a character's actions on the basis of morality doesn't mean much because if you had the same moral values as the character then the two of you would agree anyway. Pointing out how the character's values differ from yours or mine only showcases our morals, it doesn't really add anything to the character. Now I suppose if it was a contemporary story and you or I felt like our values were fairly standard for society then it would be different, but that's more about comparing the standards of the time period and seeing if and in what ways the character's values differ. Which is why observing that it's a medieval setting does add something, although it still isn't that much.
Dec 18, 2019
That isn’t exactly the way everyone sees it. The winners of a war see it that way, but not those that lost, or those that suffered significant losses while winning, and especially in this day, people are rethinking who we call heroes and looking at people for all of their actions before judging them and rethinking how we view historical figures. Morality, does differ from person to person, but core values and concepts never change. People that say so are either cruel, or ignorant to the point that their actions make them cruel. Me judging a character for their sins is not wrong, nor is calling them a bad person wrong, she is a killer who committed war crimes for selfish gain, even if she is not the one who was selfishly ambitious and instigated the war, she is responsible for the horror she caused.
Apr 21, 2019
@Sparklepink12K Of course, I don't disagree with any of that. I'm just pointing out that it isn't unrealistic, lots of people do and have thought that way. You're free to condemn them obviously; it just comes across as a critique of the time period rather than the character because this isn't something that has been decided upon thousands of years ago that humanity has stuck by. It is even somewhat contentious today. I believe the Israel-Palestine situation showcases that.
May 6, 2018
Very early to judge, but so far, the series seems very good. Thanks to What is this Scans for the work on it, quality is here and I can say
Oct 30, 2019
The fact that this is just a newly airing series, it's surprisingly good for the first 4 chps.
But ofc I can't say more and I'll stay neutral. Hope this gets more promising, it has potential.

Thank you for the chapter.
Oct 14, 2019

YES 👏🏾

this shit makes me so mad i don’t even know if i’ll even be able to express myself properly but i’m gonna try anyways.

i don’t even want to mention that this bitch is already cozying up to this man after contemplating killing him just because SHE bumped into HIM and because he is a northerner.

whatever honestly if the story ended now with her succumbing to her illness i’d twerk.

okay, enough of the profanity. now that i’ve calmed down:

you said it perfectly, and i’m gonna say it again for anyone else who doesn’t understand because there really is no reasonable argument once one understands this:

perception of morality changes over periods of time and through individuals. however, human nature is definite.

thus, every human being who commits a cruel act, knows that they sinned. no matter the time period.
the setting only changes whether the act can be ignored by society.

honestly i wish i could just share a password to my brain right now. i’m still so frustrated that i can’t say what i’m thinking but ima leave it at fuck the FL and fuck griselda’s bitch ass, her little sister is way. better so petition to make that girl the FL.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 1, 2019
Honestly 4 chapters it and i hate her with a fucking passion.
I really hope there's no happy ending for her and that she either dies from the disease or gets killed by the northern.
I would be so fucking disappointed if she gets a happy ending.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2018
honestly i need to forget about how sexy she is and remember that she killed his entire village. i think i'd be kinda disappointed if they just ended up together somehow without some serious development and plot twists
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
omg, why is everyone hating on her? I don't see this much hate when it's the ML that's a war general that massacred and entire people and is a giant jackass to the FL. Yet, people are quick to hate on her when it's clear she's traumatized by all this? wtf
Aug 1, 2019
wow i agree @sweet-potato
y r ppl disliking her bcz of reasons like that
honestly i also feel its too early to judge but their opinion whatever
ngl i like her wow also the art is lit and the quality too
Double-page supporter
Jul 2, 2018
@Sweet-potato Is that just from your observations alone that you make that statement? In that case which mangas and characters are you comparing to?
Apr 30, 2019
Dang, this is a gender reversal of a common plot in romance(esp smut) novels and manga. Usually it's the poor girl from a defeated(or smaller) country who is put with the troubled general(or other high ranking official) and has to "heal" him in some way or another. The ones of decent quality at least have her contemplate the morality of her sleeping with the enemy.

@Malte it's such a common trope, any search in novelupdates or even google will get you a result. Tags such as "enemies become lovers" is a good start.
Apr 26, 2020
lmao so she was about to kill the protag just because she expected him to curse her out for having massacred his entire people? I love a strong FMC and all and can stomach the equation of ruthless soldier=badass in fiction, but to be so ready to resort to murdering someone you just met in a civilian setting, and the person who's healing you at that? That really rubs me the wrong way. Dropping this, for once not because of a shitty ML but because of the FML.

@sweet-potato From what I've seen, especially nowadays a lot of people actually do criticize war criminal+jackass MLs, though I can imagine the ratio is skewed because of bias. But her being traumatized by her own crimes doesn't make her any less culpable. It doesn't even seem like she regrets her crimes all that much, given that she was so ready to just kill the ML for being a northerner+seeing her face. If murdering a survivor of the population she practically annihilated is a symptom of guilt for said annihilation, I'm not interested in seeing how the story is going to resolve her trauma.

Also to the argument being made about historical accuracy — sure if this were a real historical event someone like the FML would probably be as celebrated and unrepentant as she is in the manhwa, since that's the way history sucks. But this is a fantasy manhwa for god's sake. Nothing here is historically accurate in the first place. If this story can have its witches and curses, can't I have my historically inaccurate but morally upright FML??? It's not like I'm looking for an in-depth demonstration of medieval morals in a Korean manhwa, I just want an FML I can root for dammit.

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