The Story Between a Dumb Prefect and a High School Girl with an Inappropriate Skirt Length

Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2023
This is a really great manga. The art style was a little different, but I'm glad I got into it at the conclusion of the first arc. It was such fun to read from start to the prez/vice-prez graduation. Just the right enough of progression in the main couple and side characters. I really really enjoyed two MCs (femMC and maleMC) actually being kind of normal - not super smart/stellar at something, just kind of average but a little quirky (the side characters have crazier quirks). And speaking what they feel as they figure it out. Etc.

But I also love all the side characters, from the sisters, to the fathers, etc. I hope we get some more spotlight of the mothers too. Parents being alive an present in a manga romcom - scandalous!

It's all great!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2019
I'm at chapter four now. Do the male MC's get any less insufferable?
A dumb snitch and an even dumber busybody are not exactly the type i want to relate to.
Mar 6, 2018
I'm at chapter four now. Do the male MC's get any less insufferable?
A dumb snitch and an even dumber busybody are not exactly the type i want to relate to.
Sure. The guy is almost the same in the dense department. but he does change a bit around
Mar 6, 2018
Anyone else in chapter 62?
Wonder is the guy with two drinks is an upcoming new character or it was Sakuradaimon bringing juice but decided to hide
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
Most of this was pretty decent....
But the shipping of Nadeshiko and that utter shit-tier waste of space, time and carbon called Kaoru completely ruined the series. Utterly irredeemable. Had to drop it because I couldn't tolerate the worst ship in the history of bad ships any longer.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2023
I wanted to like this manga, but I hate short skirts lol.

including something I don't understand, girls complaining about others seeing their panties but they want to wear a mini-skirt, women's fashion is a little stupid sometimes.

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