The Story of a Waitress and Her Customer - Ch. 24

Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
Her “friend” is terrible. He hit her (if this was some sort of gag manga it would pass, but that’s not it), he always insults the FMC, and when she’s not immediately ready for what he says he gets angry.
Also, part of the blame is on the other 2 friend because they aren’t saying anything to him despite his crude behavior :/

Author, can you just drop this loser, please?
Aug 9, 2020
Fuck that Kaoru guy. There's a difference between being a Tsundere and a piece of shit. You sir are the latter.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
It'd be one thing if earrings dude was just a regular tsundere. It'd be annoying to have the "rival" trope but it'd be tolerable.
But the guy just comes off as a complete asshole. Usually tsundere rivals have some positive qualities going for them to garner likeablity from the readers but this guy has shown complete nothing so far. I genuinely don't get how she's friends with him as of what we've been shown so far.
Regardless hope he fucks off soon and we can get back to regular nervous fluff in peace.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
Oh my goodness. I typically like the glasses guys but he's a little too high strung for her I think. Yeah.. she needs a chill guy. Also, the two have mutual feelings so.... I hope she can let glasses guy down gently. And if they can't be friends anymore :c it'd be sad but she might need new friends

Many thanks
Sep 4, 2020
I really hate her friend. His behavior with her isn't tsundere-ish at all. Hope she rejects him soon, or he gets some sort of character development. Their feelings are mutual, he's out of the race before it even began lmao.

Thanks for the translation
Jan 6, 2021
blonde dude is TOXIC, holy shit. The manga has tanked hard since he was introduced (like 4 chapters ago?), making every read super uncomfortable. If that was the authors intention, they succeeded (really dont think thats it tho). But It's not all on the blonde character. Many romance manga have shitty spineless MCs/FMCs but even worse is the sadly not as rare as should be case of an assertive/focussed main character going full brainmush and spineless. Just is so much more annoying. And this manga sadly has a FMC like that. Its just not even about realistic relationships hurr durr blabla but FMC had a brain the first 15 chapters, dunno why it just went away and she let new dude trample on her and her relationship with MC. Dude insults her love interest and her every chance he gets, hits her, shouts at her when she takes 10minutes too long to get juice yada yada. Ugh. Have hope they fix their shit soon with how the chapter went tho.
Aggregator gang
Feb 5, 2020
What the hell with behaviour of that blonde guy, he hits the FMC and behaves like a fucking child and the others are like nothing is happening. What a piece of shit
Apr 1, 2018
Yo jeez, that "friend" sure is toxic as hell. Entitled brat. That little shit has to GTFO, reading the manga has kinda become unbearable since he was introduced.

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