In chapter 4 she doesn't repeat the whole abandon me thing. That is dumb. She referes to that amulet and says that she rather had, that Loren didn't grab that item. (Which makes sense in the next chapters, small mistake there)
ok wtf that was wierd i was like i know this one but couldn't remember that I read it and i never did cause the memory is from before I started reading mangas (i watched anime before that tho) so how the fuck did i know the story
aren't they pretty retarded if they try ro make something secret but they let the second lowest grade know about it so its pretty easy to get there and the dude who brought it isnt allowed to have tzat information
thx to the author i guess
It takes 15 chapters to actually get started (so I can’t say for sure about where it goes from here) but this looks like it’ll be a mildly good fantasy. 7/10