The Strongest Dull Prince's Secret Battle for the Throne - Vol. 2 Ch. 8.1

Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
oh no... Harem... dangit, IMHO, this story would be way better if it's less harem-ish and focuses more on each girl character growth than to keep introducing new girls every other arc...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
@cor3zone ..... um.... I think you're over reacting.... a lot... they are people that grew up together as kids.... I've called my older siblings evil and well and stuff... it's not that unusual... that's actually quite normal.... hell, my youngest nephew things that his big brother is evil as well....
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
That has literally nothing to do with my last comment. And they grew up at court. I'm guessing you didn't. They aren't normal kids, they would be aware of her 'superiority', they would be aware that the prince literally had no way of stopping her.

She abused her position of power to get what she wanted. Like. A. Bully.

Now, I'm done. Seeing as you don't even read or respond to my actual current arguments.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
@cor3zone absolutely NOTHING showed that she abused her power though... NOTHING... not a single thing showed that they didn't just play together like siblings. And the butler didn't even seem to care about her attitude towards the prince. It was way too positive. If she was really bad, he'd be more bothered about her. But it wasn't.

It showed that she protected him and forced him to practice with her for training... that's literally it. Even her using her power was for the sake or protecting him and making him not be lazy. Not a single thing with the intent to harm him....

Her "abusing her power" is literally you just making stuff up....
Active member
Jul 9, 2019
Chill guys, childhood friend always lose, that is a feature. All of you can relax.

Me? I don't mind. I support good harem, now, lemme have those popcorn if you rather complaint instead.

PS: Nah, it is yet decided if its good or not, that is why I am still here.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
The fact that the prince literally doesn't want to be around her, yet has absolutely no choice is the most telling piece of evidence. But sure, I'm the one making shit up...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2019
I don't get the discussion is clear she wanted to help him even back when they were kids(training him so he can defend himself against bullies) and now when she heard about hunting she also went out of her way to be sure to be assigned to him.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
I don't have a problem with what she is doing, or why. My problem is how. Her methods are those of a bully, forcing her own way.

The fact is that the victim himself thinks of her as a bully. Anyone that won't at least consider that, likely has the mentality of a bully. I don't abide bullies.

To be clear, I was bullied as a kid, and bullied in turn. So I really know what I'm talking about.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2019
Yeah but in this case i don't think he talks about her in a negative way, even the mentioned bully is exaggerated. I know byllying isn't a thing to make fun of but in this manga its rather in a "fun" aspect.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
I disagree. He is visibly flustered when she appears, and actually unable to fully control his emotions. There is clear trauma there, at least judging from his reactions.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
@Massmada265: I agree with you and others on this new character (I can't remember her name, I'll call her "Flatchest"). I also predict that she's going to do exactly what someone else predicted: Flatchest's likely to have developed "feelings" for (what she perceives as) her little chew toy, and will--eventually create competition in herself with Finne. (Those feelings are likely intensified possessiveness toward a prey item.) Completely unnecessary, just as her gung-ho alliance with Arnold proves detrimental to his plans. At least Finne had the conscience and self-awareness to realize when she was inconveniencing Arnold; otherwise, she hopes and tries to be of service to him. Flatchest? She couldn't give a damn less, and you can tell her "aid" is self-serving because Arnold doesn't have a say in whether he receives it or not--just as he never did since his childhood.

And consider the effects of Flatchest's "aid" since then: he's still physically weak. Finne's aid, though almost always incompetent, is constructive in nature; Flatchest's, on the other hand and with all her competence, is destructive. The wall-suckers in this comment section are too busy lusting for a good taste of washboard to realize that a direct connection was immediately drawn between Arnold's childhood experiences with Flatchest and her current "volunteering" of her support: both are ostensibly useful, but actually unwanted, unnecessary (as Arnold himself said), and potentially detrimental. In the present, he may be physically weak, but--through his magic--he's one of of the strongest in the setting, and does not need Flatchest's help--definitely not the way she's throwing it in his face. The way she is, she stands to do much more harm than she intended, and--given the nature of his MO and their relative standings in peerage--his hands are tied, and he can do little to nothing to stop her.

In addition, the words of @icekatze are right on the money. At best, it's an instance of the tyranny of good intentions; at worst, it's exactly the bullying suggested. Either way, it's still viciously aggressive, self-centered behavior.

That said, and regarding the responses you got, I do think you've missed one key factor in all of this: The majority of denizens of MangaDex appear to generally favor aggressive, masculine (in demeanor and physique) characters like Flatchest; they also appear, at the same time, to not only dislike but detest girls who embody traditionally feminine characteristics, along with traits historically and traditionally considered beautiful in women.

@XNovalX: Don't let these people tell you you do not have the right to voice your dislike of this new girl, or any other character like her. What you did is less than what they do in stories where the main girl is more like Finne, and the romantic competition is like Flatchest, and no one censures or castigates them the way they are you and people who think as you do. No one tells them that it's just a story, and that they shouldn't get so worked up over it. No one tells them to read another manga if they don't like the FMC. I know this well because their kind are doing this to a series I'd waited years to see scanlated; there's no place to discuss it (on MD, at least) because the comment sections are filled with people just like these who hate traditionally attractive girls (like the FMC of the aforementioned manga series, who is actually romantically involved with the MC from the start) in favor of clearly vicious side character females (all of whom either know the MC's in a relationship or--even worse--know exactly whom he's in a relationship with, and still want to get in the way).

If there's one thing I've seen over the years, it's that though a harem might be a man's fantasy, mangaka after mangaka has made the concept something to revile through characters like Flatchest. I genuinely hope that this story does not become one.
Mar 28, 2019
Man @Giga the chad coming in here with the wall of text, giving me hope that not everyone has such low standards for stories and character building. Being completely honest, I don't even care about the other female love interests, since they're not the main focal point of the story, rather they serve the purpose of reflecting off the MC to show his traits more fully and develop him as a character. I just think this new girl is completely antagonistic in nature and is basically a villain in the story, yet everyone is like "omg best girl ever, can't wait to see more of her!!" like they somehow aren't rooting for the fucking childhood bully to beat up the known-to-be physically weak MC for a few chapters.

More than anything, I think the author did a bad job creating this character with drastic flaws that clash horribly with the story -- being honest the characters range from ok to eye candy at best other than this anyways -- and we as readers should recognize that this is a bad character, not because she exists, but because who she is fundamentally through her words and actions clash with her accepted "role" as the tsundere childhood friend. Those actions are those of a bully and someone who is a ""friend"" that gets away with bullying by insisting that they were just playing, not by someone who genuinely cares for the MC and listens. The author crossed a very hard line from an "immature and stubborn friend who means well" to a "bully who forces herself on others and refuses to listen", and that is a genuine flaw in the story so far.

Bottom line: a true friend listens to, understands and respects you and your choices. If you have people in your life that don't do this for you, they are not a true friend and I sincerely hope you can cut them out of your life to better yourself.

As a closing, this really showed me that I am lucky to have been able to make true friends in my life and, while they occasionally give me shit, they truly value my company. Even if you like the character, good for you, there is no accounting for taste. But if you think that this character is a boon to the MC in universe, you should really examine the people that you have around, and see if you are in an abusive relationship. The signs and behaviors of abuse can be non-physical, making it hard to spot and may seem like normal behavior, but please stay aware and vigilant.

You can learn more about abusive relationships by going here:

If you are in an abusive relationship, google your countries abusive relationship hotline.
Double-page supporter
Feb 12, 2020
@Giga Holy shit, wasn't expecting all of that, here's a suitable meme:

On a more serious note, it's nice to see someone with some brains and isn't lead by his dick when it comes to stories like this. Tbh, I used to write big ass comments about how I felt about the story, but it's impossible to win against idiots, so I just comment to get soy boy cucklords salty.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
@Massmada265: This sort of thing strongly evokes memories of Girls Bravo, particularly of Kojima Kirie. Though I like busty girls, I disliked her for her short hair and masculinity; what was far worse was her extreme levels of violence toward the main character, Yukinari. (A frail guy, already psychologically hammered from his childhood by girls (especially Kojima) for being as weak and soft as he was.) What she did to him in just the first episode ( knee to the nose, with a running start--what kicked off the entire series) could have killed him; she had the nerve to cry about it after...and continue her extremely violent ways thenceforth. (The whole incident was entirely her fault to begin with.) An example, really, of her misandry--she never subjected women to this sort of behavior--and of the idea that abuse/violence are A-OK if the perpetrator is a woman and the victim's a man, which itself was a common phenomenon in older anime, but one that never actually died out.

At least back then, people saw her for the monster she was--today, I bet the fedoras in MD would wish to take that knee themselves.

@XNovalX: Only the end of it was really directed at you, frankly. As for these people, I'm of the same mind. Some are quite easily baited.
Mar 28, 2019
@XNovalX That fucking made me laugh


I loved Girls Bravo back in middle school, alongside Maburaho, Girls Saurus and other harem rom coms, but looking back at them now shows how they were directed towards a more immature audience that wouldn't notice the awful behavior and actions of some of the characters. Like in Loony Toons, when you watch someone get punched or hit with a brick, it's hilarious! But when you've actually been punched or hit with a brick, it starts being a bit less funny.

There is nothing wrong with liking shows like these, I still rewatch them occasionally for the nostalgia, but I cringe thinking about the awful actions and behaviors that some characters make and how the show plays it for laughs, because I've been knee'd in the face, been called weak and bullied. I honestly think writers and authors can do better, that's why I criticize: because I want to see those actions and behaviors stop being portrayed as positive.

Anyways I'm glad I see others with the similar understanding and are willing to criticize. I hope media can step away from the portraying abusive and violent behaviors as positive in a semi-serious tone.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
@XNovalX: *Takes a bow* Your image, BTW, was also pretty good. Far better and more amusing than the average "tl;dr".

@Massmada265: Don't get me wrong, I have had Girls Bravo archived on DVD for years--the main draw for me, however, was Miharu. In my mind, she was also a massive foil to Kojima: she was very feminine, almost the ideal girl, whereas Kojima was everything a man should seek to avoid in a woman, and that's before considering her strong tendencies toward extreme physical violence. I've also seen Maburaho--I remember being fond of it for some reason, in the past, but don't remember why. Something nostalgic in my memory of (what I remember of) the story and its art direction. Too long ago.

That being said...while I am absolutely repulsed by the idea that men can be women's chewtoys even to the endangerment of their lives (not to speak of the destruction of their social lives--with the aforementioned endagerment being at a higher level of gravity than that), I'm definitely not against its depiction if there's a market for it--I need only turn away from things that include such depictions. (E.g., there's a genre of H--ryouna--that revolves around hurting women. It's not all extreme, but at its worst...yeah. Still, it's niche.) What I do hate, though, is the widespread inclusion of such a concept as if it's meant to be accepted as normal.

That's where I'll just ask these authors--and the simping pantywaists who enable them--to flip the sexes and see how they feel about it.

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