@marcyvq that cow was the cow vivi had grown attached to and then gigantified, so they had to kill and harvest it or it would cause more trouble than it was worth so she's resurrecting the skeleton of moofie so she can be with her
@asfhoiasfjoiasfjpi - apparently, it matters a lot whether it's "skeleton" or "zombie" - making zombies is a horrible crime, while resurrecting people and animals as skeletons is fine. And it's not about the stage of decomposition as much as it is about enslaving the dead - Moofy is not controlled, which is why it was so dangerous.
Mega-skeleton-cow should be useful for heavy lifting and moving stuff at the very least. Pretty intimidating guard as well if you aren't familiar with it.
@asfhoiasfjoiasfjpi - it's religion, it doesn't have to make sense.
But ultimately, skeletons aren't much more dangerous than they were in life. And we aren't afraid of making living people.