The Sword Tomb

Aug 15, 2020
Looks interesting, I've readed on RAW chapters. However I'm still waiting scans will pick out on this and translate to English.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2020
Ay who google translated that description? It makes my eyes bleed. Original description below.
玄剑大陆,剑道独尊,无数剑修傲剑纵横,曾经的辉煌剑世,更是出现无数属于剑者的传奇神话…… 如今玄剑大陆虽不复往昔风采,但剑修依然盛行。玄剑大陆玄剑宗一个修行畅通的修行天才突遭变故,命运的安排让他开启剑冢系统。剑冢包含了古今往来、四方上下的无数绝世名剑,从得到第一把名剑开始,少年便踏上了一条一剑通天的强者之路!
Problem one: consistency. Is it called the profound sword continent, or Xuanjian? One's the literal meaning, one's the pronunciation. I'd stick with pronunciation all the way.
Problem two: lost in translation. What is "sword repair" supposed to be? Just because the character can mean repair doesn't mean that you should translate it that way. In this context it's more along the lines of "practitioner."
Problem three: literal names. Sword grave system. Yeah... that's... technically it's correct, but I'd suggest you make it a little less literal. Something more along the lines of Tomb of Swords system.
And then the last line is just missing entirely.
Question, how do I edit a description? I'd like to make a few changes.

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