The Tutorial Is Too Tough!

Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
The fuck's even the point in watching the MC go through an ordeal if you're going to cover half the panel with that black shit every time he gets hurt? It's a retarded decision on every level. I'm guessing it was some asshole executive somewhere who I genuinely hope gets testicular cancer.
Jul 7, 2020
What a disappointment.
Started out great, and the become stupid after that, the way mc become a simp in just fucking 3 days is ridiculous. He make powerful bonds with 2 other strangers in those 3 days which is fucking cringe. He's embodiment of shounen protagonist.
After that, everything is good untill later he suddenly become simp to certain girl aftee changing a few words.
God a disappointment, not a disaster. Its still good for new comers, but for those who already tired with isekai rpg element, this is a disappointment.
Apr 23, 2020
@_Deathstun Dont hold your breath you are just wasting your time. Each group translates it different some prefer the other its really not a big deal and its not hurting you either. So i really dont see why you are complaining. Also i fail to see how its getting in the way of others experiences? If anything its somewhat convenient. Since some groups upload faster granted its poor quality.But just read that until the group who puts in better effort to upload
Aug 15, 2020
Should be called 'A rat in a maze: A human story.' While the action and leveling is interesting, I don't find anything else about the story compelling. Honestly it would be more interesting if aliens had abducted people and were running some kind of experiment. (Fingers crossed for aliens!)
Nov 14, 2019
If anyone feels like the story is severely lacking, thats because it is. Seriously read the light novel, everything makes so much more sense
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2019

To address some of your concerns with light novel info.
- The main character is very generic; there's no real trace that sets him apart from the crowd, which is terrible since 90% of the time he's the only character in the panels.

That is only early levels, later levels will be their own worlds. He will also gain allies via one of his abilities

- Although the MC becomes strong over time, there is no sense of progression here, mainly due to the fact that the MC is stuck in the tutorial, in a kind of looping, and even tho the challenges change from time to time, this is not enough to stop the feeling of stagnation.

Later tutorials levels will be their own entire worlds, and the mc hasnt even touched a tiny bit of his growth

- The author uses paragons like "level up" (that fully restores MC's health and equipment) to save the MC's ass way too often. Whenever MC is facing any real danger, something happens and voilà he's safe and sound again. This element of "luck" is interesting at times, but its repetition makes everything shallow and less intense.

level ups saving you is part of the tutorial, soon mc will start growing ahead of the tutorial, but it also a double edge sword cause he hits level cap for his progression and has to increase his strength without the help of levels. Breaking free of the resstriction of levels is part of the plot so they wont be saving him much going forward

- Since MC is mostly alone in the hell level, there's nearly zero interaction with other players. With no real bound created, it's hard to see a future where MC will have good character development as this often comes from conflict. Interactions are limited to the "world chat", but the MC rarely reads the comments there.

There isnt a lack of character development. Not all levels can be solved with strength alone. First world level, mc will be stuck with other people and has to figure out who the double ganger is and build relations with those around him. He will also meet other players from other difficulties in the events you heard in last chapter. He will also get an ability that helps him resurrect(one will become his mentor) and a talking sword with a crappy ego. So just be patient

As for hell difficulty players, his own opness is their downfall. One of the levels, you have to beat the last person who was there. Aka, they have to beat the mc, thus they are all doomed. But one person does beat the mc with help of mc sending them stuff via auction but barely
Aug 25, 2019

Thanks for the clarification. I don't think I will continue to follow this story, but I might check the novel in the future. :)
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
the nostalgia though
i remember reading the novel in like 2017 or something
Oct 20, 2020
Dear god. Can everyone shut up. It’s only been 18 chapters. The amount of complaining in the comments. It’s like you’re all nagging grandmas, who just keep on talking and talking. Shush.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
@eng1 Ah so it's just another interminable korean power--fap destined to hit 1000 chapters. NoThankYou.

"It gets good after chapter 100. This is just building up." is not a recommendation, it's a death sentence.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2019
@grikath light novel was 379 chapters. This isnt a chinese novel.

And while power fantasy is part of it, it isnt the main thing. The main focus is probably character development. Just many korean novels are more patient with the setup. You wont need to wait 100 chapters though. It will probably start to take form within next 10 at this rate.
Jan 1, 2021
I dropped the novel because the floor climbing was boring and I thought the manhwa would be more fun but so far it's not, plus the artstyle is mediocre
let's see, I won't drop it yet
Jun 16, 2020
Do you know what's also hard? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) that's right, the new GFIRE Tactical Modular Breathable Combat Training Vest with Adjustable Lightweight, completely impervious to small handgun bullets
May 5, 2020
They finally made this novel into a webtoon, can't wait for more. Please give this webtoon a read the novel is really good.
May 10, 2020
i won't drop it yet but they do need to change the antagonist because it is basically just arrows and stuff
May 10, 2020
can someone spoil me pls and tell me if there will be any REAL villans other than arrows and stutus effects

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