-facepalms at the twins- what part of his aggressiveness was "nonsensical" to you two idiots? They insulted YOU TWO. They insulted his FAMILY. Of course he's going to get extremely hostile to people who attack his family! See it's crap like this that makes me annoyed with the twins. They are willing to accept every single hateful and hurtful thing like it's the most terrible thing they've ever heard EVERY SINGLE FREAKING TIME. But can't seem to even envision the idea of people having goodwill towards them. Yet are constantly crying about wanting to be loved and protected while making it really hard to do either of those things because they are 100% always suspicious of every single motive ever when treated well (or immediately take the good treatment as a hostile action). How.. are they 25 and have this kind of ineptitude and social disconnect? I really wish they weren't reincarnators because then at least this shit would MAKE SENSE!