The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 57

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 22, 2018
Man, I could understand what the emperor is coming from, his life was literally in the hands of that crazy bitch and even threaten to murder his own kids, infront of him, I can understand his issues man, still have a lot of healing to do but atleast they know they love each other.

LOL the comments being bipolar opposite of course what the fuck.
Sep 16, 2020
Well atleast he has a reason on why he ignored them. I would’ve been fine if it was because they were born without his consent/hasn’t slept with her at all, but he legit thought they were dead and he couldn’t bring himself to see their graves. But what still confuses my is that there were maids. He could’ve had a spy in the castle or like someone else said give orders to the maids since he is still the emperor. I also kinda wish that they didn’t forgive him right away and he proved everything little by little but this is also finee 💜💜
Dec 1, 2019
So was the queen related to them...I could've sworn they said the royal family is born with a protector, and a bunch of other stuff. If she's not related that means the princes are all mixed and they should be dead. I think the author didn't really think that part through.
Apr 26, 2020

It's really just from how badly written it all is. The Emperor had literally all the options in the world to take care of the twins from a distance, but didn't because the writing needed the twins to suffer. This way it could make the emperor look like a totally cool guy who was sad that they were sad and just wanted to make their lives better. Like other commentators posted, the maids work for the palace, he could have sent reliable and trustworthy ones to take care of the twins, he could have even used spies to make sure they were safe. None of this was done though so that the twins could be sad and abused because it's what needed to happen for the sake of the story.

And again, this is the dude who said he would have killed the kids if they hadn't been born blonde. So his sympathy for them and urge to make their lives better hinged entirely on their hair color. If they had been born brunettes he would have had them smothered in their cribs.

Edit: I forgot until just now but this dude also knew who his kids' guardian was. The idea that he didn't know they were alive while also knowing their guardian was hanging around is totally contradictory to what he's saying.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2018
Amazing how the concrete turned to rubble but the window panes are still intact...
Apr 27, 2019
@kltigerm i think the author ment as between races, the queen is a human, the twins mother is not a human, she is from another race called habi/hibi(?). Our twins are hybrids from Human/Hibi races.
Apr 27, 2019
Ok, if he had implanted the spys in her palace and knew it all the bad stuff that she was doing to the twins, so what he could do? Nothing because she had his life in her hands, so he wouldn't risc interviewing bcs he is the Emperor, and he has a lot of enemies. And he had his other sons to protect. And he couldn't even treats her.

And the think with the blonde hair is bcs that is a proof that they are actually his children, bcs he didn't do anything with her, and if they weren't born with the blonde hair, he would think that she lied and tried to fool him.

And the think about that he "Hopped that they were dead" that is in some comments, i disagree, bcs he knows children born between races don't live much, and he naver heard about one of them survive to/after 5, so he was concerned about it and he feared about that happen to them, so when he stopped receiving the things that their mother demanded, his biggest fear come true. I can understand why he didn't go there bcs of his fear to see the dead bodies of his children.

The thing with the twins Guardian, if i'm not wrong, the first one to know about him was the second prince and the first time he saw him was when he first meet the twins. So before the Emperor know about him, was maybe after their mother death, and i do think the second prince didn't tell the Emperor yet because he get to check the twins and when he was going back, at the same time the twins mother died, and he had to heal the Guardian, and late on he knew that his father already knew that the kids were alive. And after healing the Guardian the second prince answer his questions and explaining everything.

I like the fact that he has flows, it show that at the end of the day he is a normal human with flows, that some times make stupid things/decisions

Well this is my opinion 💚💚💚💚💚
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018
I love how everyone blame the father lol.

The father is victim too. Imagine having a kids from a person you didn't even like and bound to your life when you're only loyal to one person

And the twins is indeed LUCKY. They're born with imperial hair color which remind the emperor that they're his children.
Active member
Jan 12, 2020
That last page
The stern angry oldest brother
The psychotic knuckle cracking youngest brother
The kind but obviously insane middle brother
And then theres the dad just going full blown darkseid with the glowing eyes
Active member
Oct 27, 2020
@comedyxtragedy I think it was because they just didn't care to thin about it from his preceptive. Though is also the fact that some important information was omitted until this chapter. Like how mixed-blood children don't live past 5 years old, and that the emperor is absolutely terrified of losing another family member. I probably would have done the same thing if I was in his place. He also said himself that he has been very clumsy and lacking when it came to taking care of Arjen and Arien, and remember he was raised as royalty. Which we have seen from the Twin's lessons are not supposed to apologize and not supposed to admit fault. He has done both here. Of course this is too another people of royal blood, but they are also young, illegitimate children. Which usually don't get this sort of respect in this country.
May 2, 2020
@Carvia Aren't you just putting words in his mouth? He just assumed they would die because of their blood and didn't wish to feel any love for them.
I'm just saying give the guy a chance but yall are so quick to judge when it's not the main character.
Apr 26, 2020

I'm really not. Dude said himself that he would have killed them if they weren't blonde. I don't see how thinking a dude who's down for child murder the second he sees kids that don't make him feel good is quick to judge.


If he implanted spies in her palace he could have literally done everything. Oh wait, I forgot how a DIVINE EMPEROR is somehow totally powerless against a single angry drunk woman. Everyone in the palace was on his payroll, is it really some insane stretch of logic for him to have gone to his butler and go "Hey make sure we don't staff that palace with dickheads for the next five years."? The truth is the dude is a negligent deadbeat who had a whole laundry list of poorly written excuses with very obvious fallacies all wrapped up in the fact that he was down to murder those twins until their blonde hair was literally the only thing that stopped him. Again, if he was apparently so in love with them on sight, he had literally every option in the world to make it so that the assumed five years they would be alive wouldn't be rife with abuse, but he didn't because the story needed the twins to be sad.

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