The Twin Siblings' New Life

Jan 11, 2020
not the mcs going around being proud of being 20+ years old and acting like they are 4 ...... how does this have such a high rating ...
Sep 15, 2020
Honestly, although they are reincarnated and so-called have the mind of a 25 year old, right now they only have both a body and mind of a 5 year old child. In theory, their brain isn't fully developed yet, so even if they are able to understand things adults can, they still act and think like a child. This is simply because the mind isn't capable of having the functions to think more of an adult, because they aren't developed yet. Furthermore, they received trauma since they were born + being in an unfamiliar world, their mind are wired to induce those thoughts and actions to protect themselves. Having memories of your past life does not make you op af, having to learn about the world they were never familiar with isn't easy, much less having to suffer from those traumatic experiences the moment they came into this world. Everyone view things differently but there is no need for y'all to be so toxic. Sure there are flaws but there is nothing perfect in the world, no matter how perfect they seem. If y'all don't like it/drop it, that means y'all are done and over with it, but here y'all are, still reading this. I do admit that the plot isn't that well-done and yes there's really not much advancement, eg.theres really no reason for them to be portrayed as isekai'd, the story wld be better if they are just normal 5 year olds.

but please, there's no need to make things difficult for other readers as well.
Thank you for reading this far, hope y'all have a nice day:)
Apr 3, 2019
Wtf is wrong with the servants of this palace? So what if they're illegitimate? They were hired to serve, why dont they do their freakin jobs, its simple AF.
Jul 23, 2020
This is so painful to read. I got to chapter 33 and these kids are so dumb. It's clear the emperor is doing everything for them and they don't even see it. He wanted to kill them before they were born not because of shame, but because he would have hated bringing these kids into a life of pain and despair due to their lineage, but no, these retards can't even comprehend simple shit like that. If they were actually children I could understand, but they are adults. Jesus christ. The gall of these entitled losers.

Hell, the prince even directly sacrifices his well being and the emperor compromises the safety of the royal family for these entitled turds but even that's not enough to get their heads out of their assess. I get ptsd sucks ass, I've suffered from it in my life, but they blatantly ignore things that are in their face over and over. All you have to do is sit down and talk with people and this whole contrived drama would be over.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 25, 2018
Ugh the MCs are dumber than a box of rocks and the chapters are painful to read because they don't get uploaded in long strip
Apr 13, 2020
People be yelling how dumb the mcs are bit........ Ever heard of trauma? They have fucking attachment issues, and really this manwha Is one of the few that handles the theme somewhat correctly
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
Don't read this if you like main characters that, y'know, actually do things. It's mostly just stuff happening around them and they just stand around and barely even react. Also, the happenings are repetitive enough that you'll catch on to the low-wavelength pattern within 20 chapters and get bored of it. Even the MCs being twins is kind of a wasted rare trope since any alterations to the narrative dynamic are absent because there isn't really any dynamicity to affect. Add to it an uninteresting cast of characters and mediocree worldbuilding and you have yourself a thing that's more interested in tricking you into thinking it's interesting rather than actually having interesting stuff in it.
Aug 6, 2019
Just want quicker updates I can't drop this here for me is getting more interesting I just want faster updates and I'm good
Dec 30, 2019
have any of yall heard of trauma. Like they are children that were abused they obviously aren't gonna be able to see things past surface level
Apr 1, 2020
theyre reborn though?? even though they died at a younger age they still should have SOME common sense. whats the point of making them reincarnate when theyre gonna be THIS dumb??? they shouldve left reincarnation out of this tbh..
Jul 23, 2020
@dizzyings exactly. I would be willing to believe their stupidity if they were actually stunted children, but they are adults. Hell, The story would be much better if it didn't destroy it's own narrative with the reincarnation. Abused adults and teenagers are capable of talking about their situation. These adults seem like they have some sort of mental problems.
I know this because I worked in a school for children and young adults with behavioral problems. Quite a lot of the children with abuse issues opened up when they were given the chance.

I guess if the twins in this story actually sat down and talked with their family, the drama would be over and there would actually have to be content and not forced drama. Can't have the adults recovering from their ptsd over time with the help of their clearly loving and willing family now can we?
Jun 22, 2020
I stay just for the fluff. Honestly the misunderstandings are a bit boring, but the fluff makes up for it.
May 4, 2019
I really want to like this manhwa but damn those twin are just idi*t smh.

Edit: as I read the other comment, seems many people also think this way. Sigh.

Edit 2: Yup yup, the story will be much better (and much more understandable) if the creator doesnt put isekai into it. I mean i know isekai is popular these days but hell, this make the story worse.

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