I don't really mind either name. But Carl sounds like a name that should be given to people with moustaches (I have no idea why I have that completely arbitrary standard as I am aware that people named Carl with moustaches probably didn't have them when their mothers named them.) So maybe Cal???
Ah Cal vs Carl, makes me remember some British people I watch on yt, don't know what part of England they are from, whenever they say Carl it straight up sounds like they are saying Cal due to their regional accent
Thanks for the double update. Voting for Cal. Carl's too much of a normie name. Apologies if I offended every Carl there is. Cal... fits the Nasser, Hecate male sense. But I won't mind the change though if that IS the correct name. Cal's just my pref
I like Cal as well. Like other commenters said, Carl sounds so... normal compared to the names of the other male leads eg Nasser, Hecate. Also, Carl reminds me of Carl from Jimmy Neutron so...