Keith, fuck off. Tiarose, STOP WITH THE RIDICULOUSLY NEGATIVE THINKING. Aqua doesn't know what you know. Now it does seem like.. whatever-her-name-is is actually in love with Aqua, but Aqua is literally BLIND to anyone but you, so buck up.
if after all that steamy actions and declaration she still having anxiety over her relationship then all i can say is that she need to visit a therapist
i was lowkey expecting the king is a wise bearded old man for a twist...
All the other character names sunfist, tiararose ,harknights,aquasteed but the best you can come up with for the enigmatic never ever seen fairy king is, Keith. the heck is with the author's naming sense
@Air203776 What sense? I don't think there was any such sense to begin with.
@Chet31 Aqua seems to have no problems spending lots of time with Aishira, but when Tiara spent time with the spirit king, he's full of jealousy. So, they are both prone to such jealousy. Aqua, not being a stupid person, should realise that very simple truth and distance himself from Aishira if he expects Tiara to keep her distance from Keith. They are in the same boat, so neither should rock it too much. Of course it doesn't help Tiara won't talk to Aqua. It doesn't, honestly, seem like much of a relationship if she's unable to talk of her worries to him. Funnily enough it seems like she finds it easier to talk to Keith.
Shut it Aqua. You have no problem being so close to Aishira yet you get angry when someone else tried to do so to Tiara. Double standard. Tiara would be better off with Keith than Aqua.
At least that's settled, then I guess it's high time that Tiara confesses her jelousy with Aishira so Aqua will be able to understand what's making her mood sullen. Sooo Tiara dear, go ahead and spill your guts to Aqua cuz this ain't a guessing game where Aqua has to guess all the time what she feels. You know some people are actuallt oblivious that they are perhaps showing intimacy with someone who they've been with since childhood. So go and conquer your Love?
P.s. Aishira girl, you better not do something that will cause discord between them two lovers
What I noticed:
Tiara - too negative viewing things
Aqua - can't assess his own self