The Villainess Lives Again - Vol. 1 Ch. 13

Group Leader
Apr 23, 2019
@Anra7777 I apologize to say that your own grammar lesson is unsound.

“Only we post on MangaDex” means what you’re saying the credit page means 😂
Group Leader
Mar 3, 2019
@Anra7777 @kawaiidogkittyq

Mini grammar lesson time! (Cuz I don't want other people to learn incorrect grammar)

We're using "only" as an adverb in this case, so it's written in between the subject and verb which is ok. Only is a word that can be used both as an adjective or as an adverb.

I hope I made your day more interesting ♡

Jun 6, 2019

Also, anyone knows if theres an English translation for the novel?
Active member
May 6, 2019
Thank you so much for all the releases! (Please don't collapse tho...)
Apr 28, 2020
Love is the strongest sustenance in the world, take all I have if it'll keep the crew from collapsing!

Throws heart at Bell scans*
Active member
Jan 13, 2020
Ok I'm a romantic at heart so I cant help but think that Leshia probably liked the grand duke but she got rejected since she became a saint and anything between them at that point would seem like it was grand duke's attempt to aim for the throne. Also aat the ball he might've just said sister because at that point he knew he had no chance of being with her or it could be that he really meant it lol.
Jan 5, 2020
This mc is weird. Can't tell what she's thinking at all & her being a genius strategist makes me think everything she does is calculated.
Mar 7, 2019
@shinrakvsa - Weird isn't the exact word for her, I think. And if that is even the case, you can't really blame her for her personality. I thought the Duke's observations were pretty spot on. She had never been loved and appreciated before so she has to be on guard at all times. She knows that even her family will dispose of her someday so she convinced herself to be this tool that must remain useful in hopes that her "usefulness" will turn to love someday.

Of course she already knows what will happen after she came back to the past. She's still processing a lot of things--she's beginning to be disillusioned since the rewind made her realise the love she had been seeking is futile and it takes a lot of mental strength to accept that. She's trying to get better but she's grown so used to the abuse so she doesn't really know how to respect herself. Give her time. I think the ML would be a good influence on her to make her love herself a little more too. :)

EDIT: TL;Dr Her moves seem calculated because they are. All her life she had to be cunning to survive. If you look at the Duke's and the Saint's dialogues for her, you'd begin to realise she's an unreliable narrator. She cares. She isn't heartless. The Saint and the Duke even said that in the flashbacks, albeit indirectly. Her POV is just really self-deprecating and she rarely gives herself credit.
Dec 12, 2019
I'm impressed by how quickly these have been coming out. Also I appreciate the time you took to make the English version of the title : ) Thanks!
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 11, 2019
@NoireNowaru I agree, instead of weird, maybe disconnected or blase might be a better word. She is very pragmatic and due to her way of life, does not hold any hopes or even expect anyone to care for her at all. This is very understandable for someone living in a surviving in the highly competitive world of nobility. Moreover, she has been told and (can I say brainwashed) from a young age in her past life that she is worth nothing, that her only value is to support her brother I cannot imagine that anyone could grow up "normal" being treated like that.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 11, 2019
Duke: I can't dance either
*dances really well*
Why am I not surprised?
Jan 8, 2019
Thank you for the translations, i'm really liking this manwha, you guys are awesome

please take a rest if you're feeling that you're gonna collapse
Jan 5, 2020
@NoireNowaru I agree. I can't think of adjectives. Disconnected works I guess? Subdued? Of course her personality makes sense. Esp the lack of self esteem. Someone who's always been taught that they're nothing more than a tool is not going to act like the avg super confident mc. It's realistic :/ It just feels odd (and sad) reading bc she's unexpressive & also bc idk exactly which actions & words of hers are calculated or not. So more like I feel weird rather than her being weird lol
May 2, 2019
I was thinking it was weird that everyone kept calling her ugly in previous chapters (wasn't sure if she was supposed to be plain in her world), but now the duke has cleared it up she's beautiful as I thought! Very curious about the saintess's relationship with the duke in the first life...lovers or not quite there? Hmmmm

Now that I know you read all the comment just wanna say thank you for the translation and all your guys hard work! 😁
Aug 16, 2019
Aha. Well, imo that convo between the two in their OG timeline has just solved why Tia survived sacrificing herself.

We’ve already seen in the current timeline that Cedric can’t seem to lie to save his life. This gives us an interesting list of things we can compile concerning OG!Cedric:

-He really didn’t love OG!Leshia romantically, but as a sister. (Ah, the infamous FL misunderstanding. No manhwa is complete without one.)

-He trusted OG!Tia’s nature to the extent of asking her for a personal favour (while also, interestingly enough, avoiding putting that in words)

-He noticed OG!Tia enough to note that she didn’t dance and thought about her enough to assume she just couldn’t

-He beyond generously arranged for OG!Tia to live comfortably in the countryside for the rest of her life, despite her being utterly useless for his cause and no doubt on the wanted list. Not to mention, both breaking her out and providing her with a place to live must have used many resources that were probably already scarce and could have been much better used elsewhere.

-Most damningly, if we assume Current!Cedric’s dream conveyed OG!Cedric’s emotions, then he apparently felt his heart wrench when OG!Tia was crying in the tent.

Conclusion: Methinks a certain someone was carrying a torch for the enemy.

Is it a cliche for the ML to have already loved the FL in the previous timeline? Yes, but I completely forgive it here- in fact, I adore it, because it adds a whole new level of twisted to their backstory. Specifically to Cedric, which is great, because I do dislike a perfectly noble ML with no flaws.

I thought it was weird how Tia had lived so long in the OG timeline, considering everyone seemed to know she was Lawrence’s biggest support. How was she not assassinated by rebels? I originally assumed this was OG!Cedric being a noble idiot who refused to stoop to such depths, but now I wonder if it was also because he couldn’t bear to. Which must have made guilt burn him every time Tia’s schemes for Lawrence succeeded. Like I said, it adds a great layer of conflict to the otherwise perfectly noble ML.

Anyway, as to how I think this explains why Tia survived: when Tia sacrificed herself, her last thoughts were for ‘Cedric’s wish to be fulfilled’.

But what exactly did OG!Cedric wish for? Just the good of the empire? Surely, he must have had his own personal desires too. Like having his loved ones safe, and well, and by his side.

In order words, if OG!Cedric’s “wish” also included Tia, then his wish would only be ‘fulfilled‘ if she survived the trip back too. (And my, what a coincidence that their current circumstances make her marrying him the best step forward, no?)


OG!Cedric carried a torch for Tia and that’s why she survived the rewind - because unbeknownst to herself, her being by his side was part of ‘Cedric’s wish to be fulfilled’.

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