The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 2 Ch. 55

Oct 20, 2020
As much as I love our ship, I feel like they're kind of bland these past few chapters. Like their scenes together are just there to fill up the quota. I still love them but I wish there are more chemistry, teamwork, and conflicts so we can watch them grow
Oct 20, 2020
As much as I love our ship, I feel like they're kind of bland these past few chapters. Like their scenes together are just there to fill up the quota. I still love them but I wish there are more chemistry, teamwork, and conflicts so we can watch them grow
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
@Winter_lily there's so much wrong with your comment, I don't even know where to start

@michellemi same. I love Aria and I love the idea of the ship, but they don't have enough romantic tension between them yet tbh
Jan 22, 2018
Oh, so it's the other way around, they were just waiting for opportunity to jump ship, that makes sense.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 1, 2019
@omegaxis1 He's her brother. She's playing off her romantic feelings, yes, but in what capacity? Those romantic feelings are neither her fault nor the result of any direct provocation on her part. She just sort of noticed them one day, and started treating him like an ally. She's only ever relied on him to the extent that of a sibling, if you think about it. And out of self-preservation at that (recall, the whole reason this started was because he was going to help his sister kill her later). It's not even just that he's in love with his sister (a girl he, hitherto his romantic feelings, went out of his way to ostracize in a house she had no say in being brought into), it's that he feels entitled to her. How she spends her time and who she spends it with. He might be passing it off as concern for his sister, even to himself, but that doesn't change the fact that he's ultimately trying (in his own mid) to break off her relationship with a man she likes for his own satisfaction. It's not like Aria's this faultless paragon of morality, but to compare her petty, vain, spendthrift vices she weaponizes (in defense of herself, if we may recall) with her brother's inability to see her as person is precisely the incel mentality to that makes Cain so unpalatable. Your incredulity based in the idea that she somehow "deserves" this or caused this, like he'd be acting "better" if she was hostile or mean to him or even neutral to him (again, she's never even hinted at romantic interest with her brother) is what's more confusing.

Also, if you're looking for moral grey, you should be looking to her relationship with the Sarah Loren. Or Oscar.
Oct 14, 2019
Here to say thanks for this translation

Btw the debate in this comment section is really something
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2021
She's not entirely blameless either. For the sake of her desire to get revenge, she's actively playing her part to make everyone pity her and see her as this weak, delicate woman that needs to be protected, especially with how she's aware of Cain's growing feelings for her. Again, it's not just her fault, but she bears some blame because she is still actively provoking the feelings while knowing of them. It's downright silly and wrong to call Cain some disgusting incestuous incel and blame him for it while overlooking Aria.

She never hurt either Sarah or Oscar, if I recall. In fact, Oscar is hurt more by his sister than anything. Of course, the types of crimes that she has committed, like seducing Oscar and her relationship with Asher, who is also engaged, are ultimately things that everyone is willing to overlook because she's the FL.

Like, I'm gonna be one of the few that maintains a stance of objectiveness. And I'm going to call out contradictory behavior based on the circumstantial situations of who is the FL and ML that make people try to talk about on some moral high ground.
Oct 5, 2020
Has everyone completely forgotten the beginning of the story how Mielle totally tricked Aria into death because she's a blue blood loving snob? along with the rest of her family?
Like honestly, they are terrible people who only use and abuse anyone they want, even her mother ends up dead at the hands of Mielle and the 'husband' seemed to not care at all, then was happy enough to kill off her 'lowborn' these assholes are getting all the deserve honestly, i am getting to the point where i am so happy to see them suffering, if you're not here for the downfall off this shit family then why are you even here?
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 1, 2019
@omegaxis1 Then, objectively, you should be able to see that she didn't cause Cain to fall for her. Even in the novel, it's implied that he wanted her in the first timeline, but held himself off on the idea that she was "dirty". Which is part of the reason he helped kill her: to rid himself of those feelings. The only difference now is that he might not try to kill her. Also, you should be able to tell, objectively, that misrepresenting the nature of your relationship with a person is deceitful, whether that person finds out or not. Sarah doesn't know it, but the only reason Aria's so nice to her is to have the support of herself and by proxy her powerful husband. And she fully indented to play Oscar and the reason it never got that far was because Isis put a stop to it. But now he still feels like he's somehow let Aria down by shutting her down, causing him emotional and mental dissonance: THE SAME THING YOU'RE ACCUSING HER OF DOING TO CAIN. Which she isn't doing to Cain. Recall why she does that. What her alternatives? When she threw a fit in her past life, whatever it was for, people used that and her low status to belittle her. She could ignore Cain, but if he's hostile to her again in this life, she could end up on the chopping block again. Again, you may have missed my point at the end there, but Aria isn't some paragon; she's just not at fault IN THE SITUATION YOU'RE DETAILING. And the reason people in this comment section disagree so vehemently with your assessment is because what you're saying has many real world parallels. And the idea that just because she knew how her brother felt and was... what? Nice to him? Occasionally asked him to agree with her on certain issues in the house? Made puppy dog eyes in his presence?? The fact that these things, to you, are in any way an encouragement for him to act the way he is, such that she shares blame-- is objectively frightening.
Aug 20, 2020
Some people here need to recalibrate their troll-meter.

EDIT: or maybe they are just playing along, dunno.
Mar 13, 2019
I would like to add one quite important thing. Millie told Aria that she planned her and her mothers death on day one.
Aria isn't just taking revenge, she has to act to stay alive.
The author isn't hiding the fact that she has flaws and is quite merciless as well but in all honestly she is just playing the game everyone seems to play.

Isis ordered her puppy to kill Aria because her wannabe-bf likes her... her "dad" is solely investing into his "real" daughter. He only just recently found her to be of value due to her connection with Sarah.

I think Sarah is a rather important character. Aria wanted to just use her, but you can not deny the fact that she cares about her. She is still playing the game, but not by all means.

She is a good villainess with a good motive.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2021
You kind of just laid out the issue.
My objective stance is how there's PLENTY of blame to go around.

But what we have is that hardly anyone is willing to point out Aria's flaws because she's the protag and isn't actually harming any innocents, and those that are harmed are the "evil" people that deserve it.

So I'm finding it amusing how people are all hyped about the hate on Cain, calling him disgusting, gross, etc. while overlooking that Aria isn't so innocent and is not exactly helping Cain's own attitude by playing with his emotions. Even IF you say that she has circumstances behind it, the options still remain. She's CHOOSING to still use Cain's feelings, even if she's not actually flirting with him, she oughta have enough insight to know how her behavior now is going to affect Cain.

It's because the villains are villains that are all horrible and evil people, while all the good people are people that Aria never actually hurts, we the readers, only hate on the villains but praise the heroes, even Aria, who is called the "villainess". The most she's done that I feel big discomfort with is breaking her maid's heart by saying that love is meaningless and killing Veri when all she wanted to do was escape and live her remaining days in peace after helping Aria get Emma executed.
Mar 17, 2019
For those saying Cain is disgusting for his feelings for Aria, then that's understandable. But let's not forget that he never considered Aria to be his sister/apart of the family in the first place. Having that not be a barrier for this situation to not having developed cause for his feeling of lust/attraction for her to accumulate. It's the fault of the dynamic of the family, that caused this to be so. Plus the added perspection of the family's thoughts on a commoner, and the statues of being an ex-prostitute's daughter that caused for these emotions to fester. So ultimately, you can blame the views of the nobles on the poor to be the problem or the father for bringing in another women of lower statue to the house for his own needs.

People in a step sibling type of relationship, specifically ones in a situation where the two siblings are not blood related, like aria and Caine's relationship is a rare sight IRL. It happens, so it's no suprise, since their just wasn't a barrier of thought that this other person was "like family" to them. Ya know.

Alright rant over (if you can call like it one).
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 1, 2019
@omegaxis1 No, actually, You seem to have missed my entire point. And your own, if your response to karasong is any indication. I've literally named you two times where she's done something objectively bad to people who didn't provoke her first; things you didn't even seem to think are wrong. People can acknowledge that she's morally grey. We just don't agree on this incel mentality that if a man likes a woman and does her a favor, and she lets him do that favor, then he begins to assert possession over her despite the fact she's never expressed that form of interest in him, that SHE'S AT FAULT IN ANY CAPACITY FOR HIS BEHAVIOUR, whether she knew or not. It's just his entitlement. He felt entitled to kill her her in the last timeline to make himself feel better; do you really think he would have been less of a problem if she never asked him for help or was nice to him?? And people don't just resent Cain for this; he's been hostile to her since before he went to school and now has the nerve to come back and act like he's responsible for her because she's pretty and he's interested (something you seem eager to skip over in your quest to make Aria at fault for her brother's gaze, of all things). Meanwhile, she's doing what she's doing just to make sure she and her mother don't DIE. There are things to judge Aria for, but if your pick was how she treats her brother, (or how we respond to his actions) you are alone in that.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2021
You seem to miss my point.

I didn't miss what she did is wrong.

My point, that you miss, is that hardly anyone calls her out. Even if she does something wrong, it's a case of how people will justify, defend, and insist that the circumstances mean that she has to do this.

And here you are, trying to insist that she's not in any way to be blamed for Cain's growing lust for her. Why? Because she didn't mean to? She's the one that's been playing the helpless, fragile innocent girl act in front of the family the entire story. She plays with everyone's emotions and tries to garner as much sympathy. Yeah, circumstances demand that she has to play her cards close to the chest. But even knowing that she's got Cain now growing more and more obsessed with her, she's not about to let go of using him by still playing her act.

I don't need to explain how shitty Cain is being. That's already talked enough. There's literally nothing I need to add.

But trying to say that Aria has played zero part in said growing affection despite how many times she's been pushing her act to get them to feel for her, that's a bit much.

It's called cause and effect. Cain might have lusted for her from the very beginning, but Aria's actions have only caused them to grow more and more.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 1, 2019
@omegaxis1 I'm not debating you on your incel opinions anymore. What I will point out it is that 1) I don't know what you're saying with "I didn't miss what she did is wrong.", but I think you're trying to say that you didn't miss that those things were wrong. Which would be weird, because you tried to justify it earlier by saying those people weren't hurt, so that's a shift. 2) If you weren't trying to minimize what Cain's doing, you shouldn't have come out so heavy on the whataboutism. Because that's the net effect of shifting blame: minimizing it on another hand. 3) I'm not saying she didn't let him feel how he wanted. I'm saying that she's not responsible for how HE ACTS. HOW HE CHOOSES TO ACT. Which in your incel opinion, you'd probably beg to differ, but I've long since stopped respecting your it. So, please carry on as you were, by all means.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2021
Allow me to clarify the points you made.
1) I'm not justifying it. I'm saying that people like to justify it because she doesn't actually "hurt" the innocent like she does with her enemies. Her enemies are hurt deeply or just killed. It'd be really morally grey if she actually did hurt Oscar and Sarah herself.

2) Nah, it all started when I pointed out the contradictory behavior of people that liked to hate Cain for being incest, but then I find it amusing how many stories that are popular that support incest of similar nature.

3) How one chooses to act is also part of the circumstances of the situation and the actions of people. Just as Oscar completely realized his love for Aria not simply by Aria's actions, but by Iris ordering him to never see her again. Just cause Cain lusts for Aria, his lust is only growing as wild as it is because of Aria's continued actions to use him.

It would be great if you could try to understand what I'm saying instead of just being so dismissive and acting like that, but whatever.

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