Thank you for your hard work! One thing, however, which I
will keep harping on until it's addressed: the terminology for servants used in this translation is blatantly wrong.
Please use a dictionary and look up the term butler: you are making a highly aggravating mistake. Let me say this yet again, since it's particularly noticeable in this series:
Cyril is a valet!
To anyone hating on Raymond, as
Jedahaw92 explained, he has a very good reason for his behaviour and his reckless assumptions and demeanour are common for 12 year olds.
Everyone needs to remember that the characters are all 12 (few children are mature enough to behave otherwise at that age: Cyril and Sophia are outliers).
As for Cyril's attitude, I think it's quite reasonable, actually. He isn't really looking down on the guy so much as handling what's in front of him. Raymond is looking down on him without any apparent reason, so Cyril has no reason to be charitable and give him the benefit of the doubt at this point.